0.8 "What Does Calum Have To Do With Luke's Secret?"

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Monday October 6 - After School

"Hailey" a voice calls me from behind. I turn to see Ashton walking towards me looking pretty nervous.

"Hey, what's up?"

"I need to talk to you" he says seriously. This is so weird it's really rare to see Ashton not being all giggly and smiley, so you know whatever he's about to tell me is super important. I nod letting him continue whatever he wanted to tell me. He shakes his head. "Not here" he grabs my arm and drags me to the backfield of the school making sure nobody else was around.

"Ashton, what's wrong?" I've never seen him this nervous since the Michael and Juliet incident. 

"Something happened at Michael's party"

"What do you mean?" (A/N: Justins new song tho)

"I don't remember everything clearly but all I know is that Luke and I talked about something or saw something which led to him dating Mackenzie"


"Luke doesn't like Mackenzie!" He blurted out. "He's just dating her for some reason"

"I knew it! Wait but what's the reason?"

"I don't remember. All I remember is him telling me how weird and creepy he thought she was and that he'd never date her in a million years"

"That's what he told me! Literally a day before the party. He's hiding something and you have to find out what. I know he's actually dying on the inside for even standing next to Mackenzie"

"Yeah about that" he scratches his head. "I kind of pissed him off by saying if I find out whatever he's hiding I'll tell everyone starting from Mackenzie and ending with you"

I slap his arm. "Ashton! Why would you say that?!"

"I needed to be tough! Obviously I wouldn't do that though" 

I sighed. "Were you really that drunk that you couldn't remember anything that happened?" 

"You know the saying Hails, go big or go home" he smirks. I slap his arm playfully again and he grabs me into a huge hug. "Wait Hailey one more thing" He lets go of me and looks at me seriously again. "You can't tell anyone about this, not even Juliet"

"But she's my best friend" 

"I know but obviously to Luke, this was pretty important or else he would've told me by now. If he didn't even want me to know then he wouldn't want anyone else to know either"

"Wait, then why'd you tell me?"

"'Cause you're my best friend and I just had to tell someone" He shrugs. I laugh, he's such a gossip queen. 

Tuesday October 7 - 3rd period

"Hey Luke" I catch up to him not giving him another chance to ignore me again.

"Hey" he sighs. Finally, making progress! I decide not to bring up anything relating to Mackenzie or the party just because I know it'll irritate him and he doesn't know that I know about what Ashton knew....Okay I just confused myself.

"How are you?" 

"Been better" he shrugs. Well that's the end of that. We walk side by side to Math in silence, but not that comfortable silence more of the awkward silence. We see Calum and Michael's group of friends hanging out at Mason's locker by our class. 

"Hailey" Hunter calls my name. I stop to face them while Luke continues walking into the classroom alone not caring. I haven't seen Calum since the party and he looked really..hot. 

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