5.2 "I'd Never Hurt You"

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Monday, March 9, 2015

The car ride to Calum's house was deadly silent and awkward. When we arrive at his house he parks his car, turns off the ignition, takes off his seatbelt and gets out of his car without a word. I hesitantly get out of the car and he locks his car as soon as I close the door. 

"Hi mom" he says when he enters his house. 

"Calum, how was school?" she asks. 

"Good. Hailey's here" he mumbles.

"Hi Hailey, it's good to see you again" she greets me.

"It's good to see you too Mrs. Hood" I smile following Calum up the stairs. 

I close the door after I enter his room and sit down on his desk chair while he sits on the edge of his bed. We sat in silence for a couple of minutes until I finally spoke up.


He lifts his head up but wasn't able to meet my eyes.

"Can you please say something?"

He sighs and puts his hands on his forehead. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for getting mad at you over nothing, for mentioning Sophia and using her to hurt you, and for actually going to that party knowing you didn't want me to go"

"Calum, why don't you want me to meet your parents?" I move to sit down beside him on his bed.

"Because!" He exclaimed.

I put my hand on his knee and tilted his head so he would look at me. 

"Because what Calum?" I ask softly.

"Because...You're just so perfect"

"I'm not but what does that have to do with anything?" I was confused.

"Hailey, you're a straight A student, volleyball captain, athletic council president, everyone loves you. You're basically the kid that every parent wishes for. When my parents meet you, like fully meet you and get to know you. They're going to compare me to you and that's the one thing I'd never want to happen again. It already happened with my sister and I'm not going to let it happen with my girlfriend"

"Calum, why would you ever think your parents would compare me to you? You're a great student, you're student council's president, you're popular and you're such an amazing person"

"Yea and I slept with random girls, drank and smoked. Ya, I'm everyone parents dream kid"

"Ok so you slept with girls, drank and smoked. So what? What does that have to do with anything?"

He gave me a 'wtf' face. "What do you mean, 'so what?' It means-"

"It means that you're a bad person? It means that you're going to have no future? It means your parents hate you? Well guess what Calum, it doesn't. Those things don't describe who you are. I think you're a magnificent person who knows how to have fun. And the fact that you can do all those things and still be a straight A student is outstanding. Your parents have nothing to compare you with, they already have the best"

"They don't think that way" He shakes his head.

"You know parents, always insulting you in front of your face but complimenting you behind your back. You'd be surprised about what they think about you. But what you shouldn't be surprised about is that I think you're perfect"

He gives me a peck on the lips. "I don't know how I ended up with someone as great as you"

I smile and kiss him again. "So Sophia seems nice"

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