Chapter 3 - Discoveries

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He woke up in the morning; it was 9:47 am. He stood up from the bed, got changed, and went downstairs. Rosie and Emily were eating breakfast when they saw him getting into the kitchen.

Emily: Oh Fabian, you shouldn’t be here. You need to rest.

Fabian: I feel with a lot of energies. I really want to go outside and help you out with the wood you need. I’m not used to Fabian still.

Rosie: Oh dear, you’ll have to since is your name. We can now call you by it.

Fabian was feeling much better every day that went by. He couldn’t wait until remembering everything and going back home.

Fabian: So, if you let me eat breakfast with you two, it’d be an honor.

Rosie got up to serve one more plate. Emily looked at Fabian smiling. He smiled back.

Rosie: You both need to hurry; you need to bring the wood before the sun gets stronger. Then it would be hard for Fabian to help.

Emily: Oh mom, don’t worry, I know he’s strong enough to help me.

Emily; tall, blonde, with blue eyes just like her mother, was beautiful. She had been taking care of the house while Rosie took care of Fabian. They both have been like a family to Fabian. Emily took Fabian’s hand and went into the woods. Rosie went outside to say goodbye while they disappeared in the woods.

Fabian: So, what is the wood we need?

Emily: Usually I look up for broken branches, then for fallen trees.

Fabian: It sounds really hard, why you always did this on your own?

Emily: Mom’s too weak for it. She’s old now, she can’t make any effort.

Fabian: And why you didn’t ask me? I’d have been glad to help.

Emily smiled at Fabian, and he smiled back.

Emily: You needed to rest, you should right now. So let’s hurry so we can go back soon.


Nina: Any ideas on what to research?

Everyone shaked heads. No one had an idea.

Eddie: What if we looked up about Senkhara’s history? Maybe we’ll find something?

Patricia: That’s a good idea. We should go to the library after school.

Nina: …That’s what Fabian would have suggested.

There was a silence between them. Amber broke it.

Amber: So, after school?

Nina nodded. She was happy they were helping her through this.

Miss Daphne: Guys, what’s happening in the back?

Patricia: We were… just getting organized for the project… about…

Amber: How we would do it. We want it to be perfect.

Miss Daphne: Alright guys, but please pay attention. You’ll need this to make your project ‘perfect’.

(N/A: Miss Daphne deserved to be back, after what she did for the guys back in season 1 and 2 as well.)

Mr. Sweet came into the room very exalted. He talked with Miss Daphne in low voice, and pointed to Mara.

Miss Daphne: Oh dear, well. Mrs. Jaffray, they require you in Mr. Sweet’s office.

Mara got up, it was weird. Before she left, Miss Daphne gave her some soft slaps in the back. No one understood what was happening.

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