Chapter 18 - Dream Or Reality?

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Alfie was walking near the house, thinking about everything. About Willow and Amber. What was him supposed to do? He loved both, and at that point, he didn’t know what to do. He kept saying to himself that Willow was everything she’d ask for, but his heart kept saying how Amber was his first love. He continued walking until he saw a red light, he thought it was strange, but at the same time he felt like following it. He thought for a minute if he’d tell the gang, but the red light was becoming less bright and he decided to go alone. Far away, indeed, around 5 km away he saw a cabin. It was really small, and old, and the red light had stopped a km ago but he saw it already. He looked through the window and saw no one. He decided then to go inside. The door made a sound, that gave everything a spookier look. He noticed a table, some books, and some ingredients. He looked at them carefully, he didn’t knew what they were. He suddenly noticed a little black jar covered by a sheet in the corner. He knew it was black because the sheet was practically transparent.

Alfie: How smart.

When he uncovered the jar something weird happened to him. He fell in  a deep dream, in which only nightmares would be his company. He woke up feeling tired and pale. He walked a bit to a door thinking it was the one from which he came in before, but it took him to another room of the cabin. It had a long hallway, and some doors. He didn’t know if it was still a dream or if it was reality. He went inside the first room. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing, he turned completely white and just then someone appeared from behind.


And before he could even run, he fell into that deep dream again. Or perhaps, he never woke up.


Nina: So what exactly are we going to do?

Amber: I’m insisting we’d call him.

Nina: I’m not sure about that yet.

Amber: Well, you’ve other idea?

Nina’s phone rang while she talked with Amber.

Nina: It’s from Jerome… he says we need to go to the hospital right now.

Amber: What for?

Nina: I don’t know, but might have to do with Joy.

Amber: I’ll tell the others.

Amber ran downstairs where everyone was and called the gang. Nina sat down staring at Emily’s phone. She wanted to read her messages with ‘Lewis’ so she could confirm it was Fabian before calling. It would be hard though. Since Nina and Amber had her phone last time, she barely left it at her room, and if she did, she’d turn it off. Nina tried 2 times to turn it on but it kept asking for a password and she couldn’t guess. The gang went upstairs as they could, as Amber told them everything. About Joy and Emily. They knocked the door before going inside. Nina thought it was Emily.

Nina: Oh, it’s you guys.

Eddie: Expecting someone else?

Nina: Not really... we’ll talk later. Where’s Alfie?

Amber: I couldn’t find him, he went for a walk and has his phone off.

Nina: Well, Jerome is asking us to go to the hospital as soon as possible.

Patricia: It’s almost 9 o’clock, let’s hurry up.

They went downstairs carefully, Nina still thinking about Emily’s phone. She knew the only chance they’d have was when she was using it, somehow, she’d take it from her and read them quickly or even just take pictures.

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