Chapter 14 - Fell In Love

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Everyone woke up very early in the mornning, even though it was Saturday. Nina, Amber, Patricia and Eddie would all go to visit Joy. Jerome was there already. Trudy was cleaning up the house. They all got dressed up as fast as they could and headed downstairs.

Trudy: Oh lovelies, it’s just 8:30 am. Won’t you enjoy your Saturday?

Eddie: Can’t when Joy’s in hospital.

Nina: Remember we asked you if we could visit her today?

Trudy: Oh, it’s true. But you’ve until meal time for it, then you’ll have to come back, and tell Jerome he need to as well.

Nina: Don’t worry, we will.

They all went into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Trudy: Oh don’t worry, I’d make something delicious very fast for you, go sit down.

Alfie woke up after hearing all the noises coming from the kitchen. He saw his clock, only 8:47. He yawned.

Alfie: Isn’t it Saturday?

We stood up and went into the kitchen, where everyone was eating breakfast. Amber rolled eyes when seeing him getting in.

Alfie: Where are you all going?

Patricia: Remember? We are going to see Joy for you know what reasons.

Alfie: Oh, it’s true. I’d just dress up.

Trudy: I can’t allow 5 of you to go, besides, you said you’d help me prepare today’s meal Alfie.

Alfie: I forgot. Sorry guys, I think I can’t go. But you tell me later how is she.

Nina: We will, don’t worry.

Amber had a tiny smile in her face. She didn’t want to be with Alfie after what she saw. Though, she felt a bit bad since last night she didn’t let Alfie talk to her. She knew in a moment or another of the day, they’d need to talk, but she didn’t want to think about it just now.

It was 9:20 am already. They all went to hospital as fast as they could in a taxi cab. They asked for Joy’s room, and went directly there. When reaching it and going in, they saw Jerome sleeping in a couch with a blanket, beside Joy. He was holding her hand.

Amber: Jerome?

Jerome slowly opened his eyes and looked at them. They were red from crying last day, and a bit puffy. Patricia joked.

Patricia: Well, good morning to you.

She got a tiny smile from his face, that quickly turned into a serious one again.

Eddie: How is she?

Jerome: Better, she hasn’t wake up yet, doctors said she would soon.

Nina: And about the blood?

Jerome: She lost many, but got here in time. She’s just resting.

Amber looked at Nina. They knew they needed Jerome out to actually look at Joy’s scarf.

Amber: Come with me, you need a coffee and probably something to eat.

Jerome: No hungry.

Nina: Jerome, your body needs it. Don’t worry, we’d take care of Joy, and if she wakes up we’d run to tell you.

Jerome: Never let her alone.

Jerome stood up and walked to the cafeteria in the same floor with Amber. Patricia closed the door gently, not wanting to disturb Joy. After all, they were friends.

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