Chapter 8 - Answers

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Emily: I’m almost finished packing, good since I’m going tomorrow in the early morning.

Fabian: I don’t want you to go.

Emily hugged Fabian. Since the kiss, Fabian had been closer to Emily. He felt some attraction to her, without necessarily being love. He didn’t know what he was feeling towards her.

Emily: You know that I’d come, and you’ll go visit me anytime you want to.

Fabian: I think I will.

Rosie: Done with the packing?

Emily: Yes, just missing some things from my suitcase.

Rosie: You need to sleep, tomorrow it’d be a long day.

Emily: I know it will, goodnight mom, and to you too Fabian.

Fabian and Emily hugged once more, as Fabian went outside of the room and into his. Rosie looked at Emily with confusion.

Rosie: Since when you two hug that way?

Fabian entered his room, but heard what Rosie said and stayed near the door. Emily couldn’t help but smile at it.

Rosie: Tell me, what happened?

Emily sat down in her bed, followed by Rosie.

Emily: We kind of… kissed yesterday while packing.

Rosie: Kind of?

Emily: Well… I kissed him…

Rosie: I don’t want you to get hurt, you know that.

Emily: But why I’ll end up hurt? Maybe he does like me!

Rosie: Emily, you can’t force a relationship. You can’t make it work by yourself.

Emily: … I know he likes me… I’ve feel it.

Rosie: You need to be sure before anything. Now, go to sleep.

Rosie kissed her forehead and left the room. Emily lay down in her bed and looked to the roof. She teared up a bit. Fabian sighed after everything he heard. He turned over to his bed, and saw the notebook in which he wrote down all the information he had found. He walked to it and took it. He started reading everything since the beginning.

Fabian: How is it that I’m so close, but far away from the answer? How?!

He threw the notebook with violence to the door. He felt frustrated by it. When throwing the notebook, some books fell from the ledge where they were. He sat down on his bed, and put his hands on his head. Then, he noticed about the books and walked to them. He picked them up, but took one of them under the title ‘Egyptian Gods from the past’. He took a quick look at it, until he reached a chapter that seemed important. It talked about a forgotten ruler.

“Senkhara, better known as the forgotten ruler, was one of the most powerful Egyptian Gods it existed. Had the fear of the people. A song written in her honor talks about how she destroyed several towns with her anger after she lost her love of life. This song has been lost through the centuries.”

He continued reading about her, but after that, there wasn’t anything important. He was interested in why she lost her love of life. The book said nothing else about it. Before he could even close the book, he fell asleep on it.  


Nina: Ready to hear them?

It was midnight already, and there was a Sibuna meeting going on in the secret tunnels. Since Maddy was sleeping in the attic, they couldn’t use it anymore.

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