Chapter 30 - Our Love

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Fabian: I’ve been thinking about the research I did.

Nina: What about it?

Fabian: I’m afraid something I read, and I believe you guys did as well, is what… it’s really going on.

Eddie: Fabian you’re scaring us, what is it?

Fabian: Do you remember reading something about Senkhara being betrayed by the person she loved?

Eddie looked at Nina. They knew the reason why Senkhara was chasing them, and they had never told Fabian about it. Nina swallowed. Joy and Emily didn’t understand what they were talking about.

Nina: Fabian… I think it’s time we tell you something we read some time ago.

Eddie: I had a vision. You were in it, reading a certain book. After we looked up for the same book, and read it, we found a second book that talked about the same thing.

Nina: In it we read about the Beloved and the Chosen One, falling in love.

Fabian started connecting that to what he read. It started making sense to him.

Fabian: I know that I’m the Beloved… I found it in a book, as well. Descendant from the powerful Ignus.

Eddie: It doesn’t finishes there. According to what we read, Senkhara was promised to marry Ignus’ son, but once the Beloved gives his heart… there’s no power on earth that can change what he feels.

Nina: The Beloved gave his heart to the Chosen One. After Senkhara gave half of her power to Ignus, keeping the promise they did, she was furious because the Beloved rejected her.

Eddie: So, she burnt down the city they lived in, swearing revenge.

Fabian: It’s exactly what I read; I already knew all of that.

Nina: Except that… she will perform a certain ceremony to sacrifice both, the Beloved and Chosen One. And for that, she needs the Mask of Anubis.

Fabian sat down, without believing what he just heard.

Fabian: That’s why she haunted and kept us both prisoners before?  Because we didn’t give her… what she would use against us?

Nina: She tortured you, and let me watch it all, to torture me as well. Fabian, I’m sorry.

Nina hugged Fabian. She was crying in silence. Fabian whispered to her ear something no one was able to hear but Nina.

Fabian: Our love is bigger than her power. We can defeat her. Don’t cry, Nina.

Nina looked back at him. She couldn’t believe what Fabian had said. The words “Our love” echoed in her head. She smiled.

Nina: I’m glad you’re back.

She hugged him again. Fabian felt safe by having her there, but at the same time he was scared for her. He didn’t want her to suffer any longer. He wouldn’t be able to handle it.

Eddie: As long as we’re together, she won’t be able to perform such ceremony.

Fabian and Nina stood up, with the help of Eddie. Emily understood what Eddie said, about the Beloved giving his heart and no force on earth that could change that. She knew he had loved Nina all along, and still did. She thought about the day she helped Fabian do some research, to try and get her mind off Fabian and Nina. She thought about something that didn’t add up.

Emily: Have you thought about… why has she been taking everyone? I mean, that Senkhara woman.

Joy looked at her with a frown on her face.

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