Chapter 5 - The Beloved

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Emily: I think we should go now.

Fabian: Now? It’s night, your mother won’t let us.

Emily: You’re right, but we need to…

Fabian sat down again on the floor and examined the key. It wasn’t a regular key you can find, something on it was new for him. It was, like we explained before, a black-rounded shape key. It had something written on it, but he couldn’t read. He went for a magnifying glass and tried to read what it said.

Fabian: It’s something on Latin, that’s for sure. Can’t understand. Something… about a chamber.

Emily tried to read it but seemed impossible. Fabian concentrated and had a day vision, something that never happened before with him.

Fabian: I had to save you all, couldn’t leave you there.

Nina: But the mask, she’ll come after us for the key. Hide it Fabian, hide it somewhere where she can’t find it.”

Fabian suddenly started sweating; it was a new experience for him.

Emily: Fabian, what happened?! You were gone for a minute, I was really scared.

Fabian: I… I kind of had a… day vision?

Emily: I didn’t know you had that power…

Fabian: Neither did I, but for some reason I had it.

Emily looked at him very seriously, as he told her what he saw.

Emily: Who you had to save? And what about that mask? And why you had to hide the key?

Fabian walked around the room, trying to connect everything that was happening. He had an idea, and he wrote all down. Then compared the results and looked to Emily very serious.

Fabian: I got a conclusion, though, I don’t know if this is it.

Emily: What? What you find out?

Fabian: I think that I saved the girl I saw on my previous dreams for some reason, she’s important. And about the key, I think that key opened the chamber of the mask she told me on the vision, and that that’s why that ghost was chasing us. Maybe that’s why she gave me all that spokes, because she wanted the key.

Emily was impressed in how just by some minutes he resolved the puzzle. She knew he had more power than he could ever think of.

Emily: Fabian, you know what this means?

Fabian nodded, and looked to the window.

Fabian: I’m afraid something happened to the girl if I ran away and had been far from her all this time. If she’s important to me, then…

A lot of emotions came out from him. He was angry, sad, but most of all, he felt disappointed about himself.

Emily: I’m very sorry. But have hopes, maybe she’s okay. Maybe she didn’t…

Fabian: Please, leave.

Emily: All I want to do is-


Fabian was too angry and yelled at her in a way Emily never saw before. She was afraid, and went downstairs running. Fabian started crying even more and went after her. He knew he did wrong. Emily went outside into the woods, she knew that place like the palm of her hand. In other hand, Fabian didn’t at all and easily got lost. He was crying, and angry with himself, in the middle of somewhere he didn’t even know. He stayed like that for some minutes, until a red light far away from him reflected on his face. He followed the light, not as scared as we’d think he’d be, but he did was scared of it.

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