Chapter 13 - Bad Vibes

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Eddie: How do we find out if this is really Fabian?

Nina: I think we’d call and just ask for him…

Amber: I don’t think they’d actually just give the phone to Fabian.

Nina: Why not?

Amber: If he lost his memory as you’ve been saying, it’s normal he doesn’t know anybody. So, they’d ask how we got the number and why we know Fabian.

Eddie: That’s … true.

Nina: Then what do we do?

Eddie: Don’t worry, I’d figure this out.

Nina, Amber, Eddie and Patricia were all in Eddie’s room, trying to figure out how to get in contact with Fabian.

Nina: It’s getting late, we’d go upstairs and change, Amber. You need to rest.

Amber: Okay, but we’ll continue tomorrow with this.

Nina wrote the number down in a paper and went upstairs with Amber. They were going upstairs, when Amber saw Alfie and Willow hanging out in the living room. As the expected, she went running upstairs and Nina after her. Alfie heard the steps and came over to see if Amber was back.

Alfie: Amber?

He looked back at Willow who smiled at him and encouraged him with signals to talk to her.

Alfie: It’s now or never.


Eddie: I’m hungry.

Patricia: When you’re not?

Eddie: Ouch. Well, it’s true.

Patricia: We’d eat something.

Eddie: It’s like a date?

Patricia smiled.

Patricia: Maybe.

They both walked into the kitchen. They were laughing and just having a nice time. Willow watched them from the living room.

Willow: I wish I had something like they do.

Maddy came inside the house as quiet as she could, and headed upstairs. Willow saw her and thought it was weird the way she looked. Maddy was sweaty, and paranoid. Also pale.

Willow: Maddy?

Maddy rolled eyes and went to Willow.

Maddy: Yeah? Oh, hi Willow!

Willow: Are you alright? You don’t seem really good.

Maddy: I just went for a walk and… thought a bear… yes! A bear was chasing me, but it was just a bunny.

She shared a nervous laugh.

Willow: I don’t know, you’ve a different color. And your aura seems to be down.

Maddy: Don’t know what you’re talking about.

Maddy ran upstairs to the attic. Willow went upstairs too, heading to her room. Patricia and Eddie heard the scene from the dining room.

Patricia: Funny.

Eddie: It’s Willow after all.

Patricia: She said the exact same thing to Victor when he was a sinner.

Eddie looked at Patricia.

Eddie: Did she?

Patricia: Yes, she’s actually good with the bad vibes and stuff.

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