Chapter 20 - Stamped

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Nina: We need to tell Joy what happened.

Eddie: You sure about this? We might put her in even more danger.

Nina: She asked us to tell her, and after what happened to her, it’s the right thing to do. She’d be safe, and Jerome as well.

Eddie: Yes, but what we want is to involucrate the less people as possible.

Nina: But how are we going to protect them from something they don’t understand?

Eddie: Okay, it’s your decision, your case.

Nina went inside Joy’s room. Jerome was beside her.

Nina: It’s time we tell you what’s happening, for your own safety.

Joy: Thank you for this. I know it must be hard.

Nina: And I haven’t even started.

Little by little Nina told them everything. Senkhara long ago, how she took Fabian away, why, how she’s probably back and they must find Fabian to keep him safe.

Joy: Are you saying… she might actually be back?

Nina: We think she’s the one that attacked you, probably for “butting” in.

Joy: I’m trying to remember what happened at that cabin, but I can’t. It’s blocked.

Eddie: Or maybe someone tried to erase that from your mind.

Nina: She’s capable of that and even more. Wait, what’s that in your head?

Nina noticed a little scarf at the back part of Joy’s head. It looked like an Egyptian symbol.

Eddie: I think she might have stamped you.

Joy: What does that mean?

Nina: I really don’t know, but it must not be good.


Fabian: Hey there.

Emily: Hi, how are you two doing?

Fabian: Good, good. I actually wanted to call you because of the texts I sent you.

Emily: What texts? I didn’t get any.

Fabian: That’s weird, maybe because you had your phone off?

Emily: How do you know it was off?

Fabian: I tried calling 5 times and never went through.

Emily: What a sweetheart. What’s what you texted me?

Fabian: Mostly thank you for the books I took, they helped me a lot. But I was thinking in giving them to you, this afternoon.

Emily: It’s alright, but it has to be at my school. Victor was a bit angry last time you came here since it wasn’t weekend.

Fabian: It’s alright, that’s what I’d be doing.

Nina and Eddie were back from the hospital, and into the house. They overheard Emily talking in the living room. Nina knew it was time to take that phone. She called Amber to meet them in the hallway.

Amber: So we’ll try to take it again?

Nina: Just to look for his number, that’s all I need.

Eddie: Whose number?

Nina: Eddie, you’d think we’re crazy, but we actually think Emily’s boyfriend ‘Lewis’ is actually Fabian.

Eddie: I thought we went through that.

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