Chapter 11 - Secrets

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Emily entered the house for the first time. She wanted to notice all the details as much as possible to tell Fabian about them. She knew he’d love the house.

Victor: So you’re Miss Whales.

Emily: I am! You must be… Victor? It’s a pleas-

Victor: I’d show you your room.

Victor took Emily upstairs, directly into Nina’s and Amber’s room. Nina and Amber were on Eddie’s and Fabian’s room.

Victor: Here is where you’d be staying.

Emily: Sorry, who am I sharing with?

Victor: Miss Martin and Miss Millington.

Emily: Good to know…

Victor: I’d leave you to unpack. You’d learn the rules of the house later.

Emily: Thanks again.

Victor frowned, and went out of the room and into his office. Emily sat down, in what now would be her bed. She started unpacking and placing everything.

Emily: So… this is now home.

She placed a picture of her and Fabian beside her bed, but it fell into the floor and broke. He took the picture and saved it on one of the drawers.

Emily: Now, it’s time to call him.


Jerome was sitting on a bench, waiting for Mara to appear. It had been half an hour from the hour they agreed they’d be meeting on. Joy was walking to the house from school, when far away, she saw Jerome. She frowned, and walked to him.

Joy: Jerome? What are you doing here?

Jerome: Joy, what are YOU doing here?

Joy crossed her arms and frowned.

Jerome: Okay, I did wanted to see her after all.

Joy: And you didn’t tell me?

Jerome: I thought it’d be easier if I came alone.

Joy: Don’t worry, when she comes I’d just hug her and leave, so you can have some time to be alone.

Joy sat down beside Jerome. They talked for a while, laughing and having fun. Another hour passed by.

Joy: So, when is she coming?

Jerome: Supposely, one and a half hour ago.

Joy: Why do you think she hasn’t come?

Jerome: Maybe she had some problem to sort out.

Jerome got a text on his phone. He then, started reading and deleted it few seconds after.

Joy: Wait, what did it said?

Jerome: It was Mara. She won’t come, she couldn’t. She says she’s sorry.

Joy: Maybe her aunt didn’t wanted her to come.

Jerome: Probably.

Joy: Look, we’re already here. I say we go eat an ice cream and just talk. You need to get your mind off from it.

Jerome smiled.

Jerome: You know how to make someone feel better, don’t you?

Joy smiled.

Joy: I’ve heard that.


Maddy went downstairs, being careful that anyone was near. She then, went outside of the house by the back door. She continued walking through the woods, until she reached the cabin. The cabin in which Senkhara have had Nina and Fabian as prisoners before.

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