Chapter 28 - The First Battle: Ashes

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Eddie: It means nothing, Nina.

Nina: But it must, if Senkhara stamped that symbol on Joy’s back, it must mean something.

Eddie: We’ve looked all over the internet, and library, and we haven’t found anything.

Fabian: We should keep looking; there must be something in here.

They had spent hours trying to find out what did the symbol Joy had in the back of her head meant.

Eddie: May I see the picture of it again? I feel like I’ve seen it somewhere.

Fabian took out his phone with the picture of Joy. Eddie stared at it for some minutes, but couldn’t find anything remotely familiar on it. He then, touched the picture, drawing the symbol with his finger. He had a vision.

“He was walking through the secret tunnels, or at least he thought that. He reached a closed door. He had never seen it before. It opened slowly, as he got inside without having any clue of why was him there. At the end of the room, he noticed a big book opened, on top of a table. His hands were shaking, and his heart was pounding faster with every step he gave towards it. He touched the book carefully, like you’d touch something unknown to you. The text written on it started moving, or at least he thought it did. He couldn’t read anything on it, until 5 words became clearer as he approached the book. “Your eyes, are my eyes”. Those 5 words resonated in his head, like an echo, as he walked away from the book.”

Nina: Breath, Eddie. You’re back with us now.

Eddie opened his eyes slowly, adjusting them to the sudden darkness. They weren’t in the library anymore.

Eddie: Where are we?

Fabian: Going back home, the library was closing. You vanished for some minutes. Are you okay?

Eddie: I had a very strange vision.

Fabian: As crazy as it might be, I’m sure it’s our answer.

Eddie: I can’t remember it though. My head hurts.

Nina: That’s because you fell and hit your head.

Eddie: I’m hoping it comes back, I’ve the feeling it was quite important.


Nina: Why did you tell Willow what was going on?

Amber: I didn’t tell her everything, of course, just the necessary. She deserved to know, Nina, she was as worried as me for Alfie. I couldn’t see her that bad.

Nina: I know, but now she’d be coming with us.

Amber: Is it that bad?

Nina: Not because it’s “bad”, but she’s now also in danger. I don’t want anything to happen to her, or anyone at all.

Amber didn’t think about what she was putting Willow through when telling her what actually happened to Alfie. She couldn’t help it though, looking at the poor girl, suffering that way.

Amber: I’m sorry, is just… you know her. She’s always so smiley, and happy, and positive… and I couldn’t help but tell her when seeing her that worried about him.

Nina: I get it, don’t worry. As long as she’s with us, she’d be safe.

Amber: You sure of that?

Nina: Not at all, but, what else can we do about it?


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