Chapter 39

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"Lacey, you haven't said anything about prom! You are supposed to have senioritis!" Lillian shook me excitedly, as we were on our way to Starbucks.

"I don't exactly have that. I am just so happy that high school is over." I replied, and she chuckled.

"You've applied for college's right? It sucks that I came too late to help you with - everything..." Lillian bit her lip, and I rolled my eyes at her.

"I have. I should find out from a lot of them soon if I qualify for any scholarships." I smiled, but she didn't look at me, so I decided to encourage her. "Lil, don't blame yourself for what your sister-in-law did. I don't blame you. And now look, you came and gave up your whole life for me, that's the most selfless and loving thing anyone has ever done for me. I don't think I will ever be able to repay you."

"Aw, Lacey, I didn't give up anything. I love you too much to think about what I left behind as sacrifices. You are really the light in my life and I wouldn't want this any other way." She pushed a straight strand of hair out of my face and we went on line for our drinks.

"I wouldn't want it any other way either," I blushed and gleamed brightly at her. She threw her arm over my shoulder, bringing the side of my face to her lips, planting a kiss on my temple.

We got our drinks and decided to walk around the town square, window shopping. It was a beautiful, sunny April day, which put me in a great mood as Lillian and I laughed and talked about how our lives have been. She was just telling me a funny story about Hosea's cats, when someone stopped her by placing a hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see who it was and a warm smile appeared on her beautiful face.

However, when I saw who it was, the opposite expression flashed on my face.

"Hey! Oh my goodness, I haven't seen you since Michael's funeral. This is so weird, seeing you again!" Lillian exclaimed happily, but all I wanted to do was drag her away and hide. Wait, Michael? Michael Abrams? As in, my father?

"Yeah, you know, I still miss him all the time. But wow, what are you doing in Lake Birchville? You were in France, correct?" Malcolm, aka the devil incarnate, spoke smoothly.

"I was. But when Sandra went off the rails, I came back home to take care of my niece." Lillian continued to talk to the bastard and I just stood there in shock and silence. Malcolm looked from her, straight to me, faking a confused look like he didn't know who I was. If only I didn't know who he was.

"Oh, how rude of me! Sorry, Malcolm this is my niece Lacey, Michael's daughter. Lacey, this is Malcolm, one of your parents' old friends." Lillian motioned for us to shake hands, and Malcolm extended his arm, but I refused to accept the friendly gesture. Lillian gave me a stern look when I shook my head at her, as Malcolm awkwardly returned his hand back to his side.

"You knew my parents?" I questioned and Malcolm smiled wickedly at me, before snapping back to a casual expression when Lillian looked at him for an answer.

"Yes, the three of us were best friends. Especially, your mother and I." Malcolm smirked, and I cringed. Does he mean that - he was more than friends with Sandra? He is probably just making this entire story up to play with my emotions. He's psychotic like that.

"Yeah, I used to always tease you two for liking each other. That is, until she got pregnant with Michael's sweet little daughter." Lillian continued to laugh along with him, and my heart stopped. So he was telling the truth? He had a thing for my mother? And then it must've ended when Sandra got pregnant. With me.

"Good times. Well, it was nice meeting you, Lacey. And I would love to see you again soon, Lil." Malcolm shook hands with Lillian calling her the nickname that only her friends called her. Oh wait, they are friends.

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