Chapter 4

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It digs into your soul like a drill and leaves a black hole. Or at least that was how I constantly felt. How could I have done this? Ava and Damian were my best friends and they were always completely honest with me. It was as if I knew everything about them and they only thought that they knew everything about me. For example, how Sandra was a successful business woman, when in reality, she is a part – time secretary for a nursing home and an alcoholic in her spare time.

There have been countless times in the past four years that I almost told them the whole truth. But I couldn't. Telling someone a secret that huge made you vulnerable and powerless to them, and I couldn't be vulnerable to any more people.
Ding! The bell on the door rang every time someone opened the door at Rusty’s. I, being the busybody that I was, looked at the entrance, and sure enough, there was Zayn. This time he was wearing a leather jacket over his black graphic tee and light jeans. He literally fit the stereotype for the “bad boy.” He walked over and sat at his usual spot. Ivy was out sick today so I had way too much work to do than to waste my time swooning over his striking face. And the manager, Liam, was hounding me, watching my every move.

Just as I had finished cleaning up and collecting my tips from the empty booth, Liam nudged me. I flinched and quickly back away. It was my first instinct; I was used to getting slapped right after. Liam held his hands up, as if caught by the police.

“Whoa, whoa sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you but that guy had been waiting at the counter for two minutes so you better hurry up and get to it.” Liam whispered, pointing to Zayn.

“You know, if you weren’t so busy creeping on my every move, I would say that you should go serve him.” I snapped, jokingly. Liam was a great friend of mine, since he was Ava’s older brother.

“Sorry hun, but I’m a little pre-occupied,” Liam said smirking and then held both his hands doing the quotation marks, “'creeping’ on you.” I groaned and slumped to the opposite side of the counter from Zayn.

“Hello again. Can I interest you in anything Mr. Zayn?” I offered with a smile basically plastered on my face.

“Hey Lacey. I will just have a decaf coffee. Black,” Zayn responded, not returning the grin. Man, he seems pretty pissed off. I guess you two won’t be talking today, my conscience warned me. I was a little disappointed as I would have went on a break and relaxed with him. Apparently, Zayn noticed the dissatisfaction in my face and soon changed his attitude right away.

“Can I get you anything? You told me that you would have a break around this time. Maybe we can just hang out.” Zayn suggested happily and I turned around, shocked. It was as if he read my mind. That is a little weird, don't you think? Yes, it actually is. Here I was, having a conversation with myself instead of Zayn.

“Well, it is my break right about now, but you don’t have to get me anything. I’m perfectly fine.” I replied, handing Zayn the coffee and taking off my apron. Just as I was getting around the counter to sit next to Zayn, a handsome guy came in and sat in the seat on the other side of him.

This made me stop dead in my tracks. Why was he here? Did he come for her? Why would he come back? There, sitting right next to Zayn was Josh, my ex boyfriend. Josh was the reason that I stopped chasing after boys, sick of the heartbreak that cam along with them. He and I had a super messy break up and I knew that he held a grudge against me from the day that we broke up.

However, I tried to ignore the fact that my ex boyfriend had sat down next to Zayn and forget about all of that drama, stumbling next to Zayn. But Zayn’s back was turned away from me and he was talking to Josh! Internally screaming, I summoned up my bravery and cleared my voice, bringing both of their attentions on me.

Zayn head whipped around to face her, his gorgeous locks turning with him. Stop looking at him like that.

“Oh, sorry Lacey. I should probably introduce you two. Lacey, this is Josh, one of my family friends and Josh, this is Lacey.” Zayn spoke in a friendly tone, signaling for us to shake hands or greet each other in some sort of way.

But neither of us moved a muscle. Neither of us even breathed. My cheeks were turning red from embarrassment and Josh’s were turning red from shock and anger.

“Lacey?! What the hell are you doing here?!” Josh exploded after the longest minute. Frustatingly, now was a time that I couldn’t speak. Zayn was growing confused but deduced that Josh and I weren’t exactly friends. So he swiftly clutched my hand as if to protect me. At first, I flinched but then squeezed Zayn’s hand, appreciating the affectionate gesture. Josh observed this, and that just fueled the fire.

“Oh no, Zayn don’t tell me that you are dating Lacey!” He spat my name.

“No! Josh, we are just friends! Why did you even come back here?!” I hissed back at Josh. Those were the first words I was able to get out after not seeing him in many, many months.

“Wait a minute, how do you guys know each other?” Zayn inquired, trying to solve this problem.

“She is my fucking ex, Zayn!” Josh screamed in his face. All of color drained from Zayn’s face. He turned to me waiting for a response, actually hoping that I would tell him Josh was lying.

“Uh.. It – its true.” I awkwardly looked at the floor and fidgeted with my fingers.

“Oh, sorry. I didn’t know,” Zayn spoke uncomfortably.

“That’s okay, I was just leaving.” I growled, aiming all negative emotions towards Josh as I stood up to leave.

“Good. I was just waiting for you to, you whore.” Josh spoke under his breath, yet he was such a prick to intentionally say it loud enough for Zayn and me to hear.

“Excuse me?!” I whirled around, no longer embarrassed and instead indignated.

“What did you just say to her?” Zayn stood up and stormed towards Josh. Josh stood right up and was about two inches taller, but somehow Zayn just seemed more tough and intimidating than Josh.

“And why would you care?” Josh shoved him. Their conversation had gotten so loud and out of hand that all of Rusty’s was silent. Zayn shoved Josh back, but harder. You need to stop this! my subconscious advised me. Before I could do anything, however, Liam had already made a move. Running between them, Liam, who was about the same height as Josh, grabbed their shoulders and pulled them to the door.

“This isn’t some trashy bar, fellas. Get the hell out of here.” Liam scolded as he pushed them onto the street. I ran out behind them, but Liam interrupted me, saying, "hey, your break ends in fifteen minutes. So get a move on!”

“Yeah okay, Liam.” I replied, waving him to go back into Rusty’s. As I turned around, I saw Zayn readying his fist to collide with Josh’s face. On instinct, I sprinted toward them and jumped in front of Josh.

“Please, Zayn. He will never be worth it.” I pleaded, pulling Zayn’s clenched hand down to his side and pushing Josh behind me, making him stumble onto the sidewalk. Zayn smirked as Josh picked himself up, brushed himself off, and walked away from us two. He was holding his face and cursing under his breath. I put my petite hand on Zayn’s muscular arm. 

“Zayn, I am extremely sorry to get between you and Josh.” I sincerely apologized quietly.

“It’s ok. Uh, I have to go.” Zayn responded breaking eye contact and practically ripping his arm from my touch. Well, just walk away then, my subconscious sassily grumbled and I rolled my eyes in disappointment.

Then, as I watched Zayn walk away, I saw him light a cigarette and pop it into his mouth. His action made me shudder in disgust. Sandra used to be addicted to smoking and I despised it, having cigarettes burned into my memory. Literally.

All I wished in that moment was that Zayn would just throw the revolting cylindrical stick on the ground and never do it again. But, then again, what difference could I ever make to him?

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