Chapter 51

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"I'm already on my way." It was as if I could feel Ava's motherly smile through my iPhone's screen as those words traveled into my ear.

"What? How did you kn-" I began, but Zayn had answered my question before I could even finish it.

"I told her already." A nervous smile etched itself onto his features.


"On my way here," he answered my questions while fumbling with the metallic piercing in his eyebrow. This was a different side of Zayn. I would have expected anxiousness and the need for approval from Harry, not him.

"Zayn? What's wrong? Do you not want to do this? Because we don't want to, it's not that big of a deal for me." I lied, but I didn't want to make him uncomfortable. If I were him, going to a senior prom with a messed up girl wouldn't exactly be on my bucket list.

Both Zayn and I heard Ava let out a snort and a sarcastic 'yeah, right' and I glared at my phone, not remembering that she couldn't see my disapproval.

"Lace, I know this means a lot to you. It was the only subject that Ava would never cease to talk about, and the only way that you could possibly put up with her rambling was if it meant just as much to you." Zayn explained his deductions to me, smirking at his playful jab at Ava's chattiness.

"I can still hear you, fucker." Ava scoffed on speakerphone, and we laughed. I loved how they were so comfortable each other.

"I don't care, loser." He shrugged, making me look at him questionably until I heard Ava chuckle, reassuring me that it was just teasing. This was new. I had never heard their pet names for each other – well, whether those names were terms of endearment or not.

I placed my phone on the counter where Zayn now sat and picked up the bouquet of flowers in the beautiful, golden vase. Looking in the cupboards while Ava occupied Zayn with a conversation, I was thankful that I didn't need to find a vase. I wasn't surprised we wouldn't have one. Most of the glass liquid holders that could be found in this house were empty and broken beer bottles, with scars on my body to tell the story on how they broke.

"They're beautiful, Zayn. Thank you," I gleamed as I gently ran my thumb against the soft petals, once the conversation between Ava and Zayn had died down.

"No problem, I remember you telling me that lilies were your favorite so I looked for those." He returned the smile and reached over the counter to grab my hand. His rough hand was so warm, contrasting to my cold and small one; and so, I let it be.

"Pulling into your driveway right now!" Ava's voice was heard through my phone and I jumped in surprise, pushing the vase on the floor.

"No!" I screamed a little too loudly when I saw the glass shatter into pieces on my kitchen floor, and Zayn was on his feet in a second.

He immediately ran around the counter and pulled me away from the mess so I wouldn't step on any glass pieces, being that I was barefoot and he had dress shoes on.

"Zayn, I'm sorry –"

"It's fine, it was just a vase."

"It was a really pretty vase."

"Go help Ava; I will clean up the mess." He commanded, and I obliged. After slipping on sandals, I ended the call, rushing to the front door to help her carry in the prom supplies.

As I stood on my porch to welcome Ava inside, I saw a black Ford Mustang drive all too slowly down my street. We didn't live on the rich side of town – more middle class – so seeing a car that expensive was unusual. The windows were tinted black, making the driver unidentifiable.

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