End Of Routney But The Start Of Raura

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No hate on Courtney but I don't ship Ross and her!!
Ross Lynch is dating Courtney Easton. (No Ross and Laura doesn't know each other.) Laura and Andrew is dating.
No Ones POV:
It was Ross and Courtney's anniversary, he decided to surprise her with the food he bought. So in the past year Ross bought anything she wanted to please her. He would sometimes doubt his relationship with her. He feels like she's hiding something, he would just shrug it off. So when he got to her house, surprisingly it was open so he walked in he walks to her room. He saw something that he thought he would never see. Courtney sitting on a guy's lap kissing. She pulls away and sees Ross.
End of POV

Ross's POV
Wtf. I though she was happy with me guess not! "Who is he!?!?!" "H-he is um And- Andrew" She replies "How Do You Know Him?!?!" "He goes to our school, but I can explain!" She said. Yeah explain my butt! We're so done! "No Courtney I thought you were happy I got you everything you wanted how could you? You broke my heart!" I screamed at her trying to hold back the tears. "We're done!" I don't even know where I'm going! Suddenly I bump into a girl. She fell, oh no!!
End of POV

Laura's POV
I was walking around town trying to get threw a break up. You heard it Andrew broke up with me for some girl named Courtney, was I not good enough for him?!? What does she have that I don't?? Suddenly I bump into someone I fell on my butt! "Owwww!" "Oh My God are you okay" I heard someone boy asked. "Yeah I'm fine!" "I'm Laura by the way" "Ross" "So what are you doing?" I asked "Getting threw a break up. You?" He reply/asked "Same"
End Of POV

Nobody POV
Both Ross and Laura started chatting away. They learned lots about each other. Laughing fooling around. When it was seven they started going there separate way not before they exchanged numbers.
During the past two years the became the best of friends. Ross and Laura both discover they having feelings for each other. Ross was going to ask her to be his girlfriend. When he did you won't be able to believe how they were when she said yes! And with that a beautiful relationship begins.
End of POV
Sucky I know!! This might be the last one or there might be more if not then this is the last one cause I feel like I suck at writing stories!! 😓 If there's any mistakes sorry!!

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