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Laura:"Your my Boombox baby" singing
Ross:"wow, I'm missing out on dating this beautiful girl" mumbles
Courtney:"What did you say I couldn't hear you"
Laura:walks off stage
Rydel:"LAURA, that was amazing!!"
Laura:"Thanks, can't wait till you guys preform"
Ross:"Laurie I'm so proud of you!!!!!"
Laura:"Aww thanks!!" Hugs him
Courtney:"Umm, anyways we better get going R5, which includes Ross my BOYFRIEND, needs to get ready for their performance"
Ross:"Court, stop, Laurie you should come with us on tour!"
Laura:"Are you sure that's fine though?"
Laura:"Alright the when do you guys go on the road and how long?"
Ross:"We leave tomorrow and for 1 month!"
Laura:"Are you sure it's fine though?"
Laura:"Alright then!!!!"
Ross:hugs her tightly
Laura:hugs back
Courtney:fakes cough
Raura:pulls away
Ross:knocks on Laura's door
Laura:opens her door "hey"
Ross:"Hey, you ready to go?"
Laura:"Yeah, just let me grab my bags"
Ross:"No it's fine I got it and there's a problem..."
Laura:"oh no, that's never good, what is it?"
Ross:"There's not enough bunks so you kinda, maybe, have to bunk with me?"
Laura:"But why though, you can just bunk with Courtney your girlfriend!"
Ross:"It's fine,"
Laura:"Ughh, whatever"
On the bus
Ross:"Okay, so the bunk is this one, since we're sharing we get the bigger bunk"
Laura:"Are you sure you want to share a bunk with me and not Courtney?"
Laura:"Alright, whatever you want superstar!"
Ross:"Alright, So lets get some sleep because we have a show in a few hours, and we want energy"
Raura:falls asleep in each other's arms
Courtney: staring at them
The next day
Ross:"Are you ready to perform in front of r5 family?"
Laura:"Yes! I love them! I'm also kinda nervous!"
Ross:"You do great!"
At the venue
Ross:"Are you excited, your opening for us!"
Laura:"Yeah, I'm so excited, I can't wait to meet R5 family!"
Courtney:"Rossy good luck!" Leans in for a kiss
Ross:turns his head so Courtney ends up kissing his cheek
Courtney:huffs, walks away
Ryland:"Alright show time!!!"
Laura:"Alright, I'm just singing Boombox right?"
Ryland:"Nope! Your singing Boombox then You Can Come To Me"
Laura:"What but that's a duet!"
Ryland:"Don't worry Ross will come on stage to singing with you!"
Laura:"Okay, this is goi-"
Courtney:"Have fun out there Rossy, you'll do great!"
R5 family:Screams loudly
Laura:walks on stage "how is everybody doing today?!?!?"
R5 family:Screams

Laura:"Alright I have one more song to perform and I need someone help me with this because it's a duet, PLEASE WELCOME ROSS LYNCH!!!"
R5 family:Screams

After the concert was over they all head out to eat dinner.
To be continued
Hey guys!!! Hoped you enjoy, yes there's going to be another part!!

Raura One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now