My baby should NEVER be messed with

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Ross Lynch most successful guy is dating the beautiful Laura Marano. Courtney Eaton is Ross's secretary. Laura is a fragile girl, that gets hurt easily, either physically or emotionally. Also Ross and Laura have the exact same iPhone and case. Trust me that little part of info is basically the whole part of the one shot.
Ross's POV
Ughh! Another day here at work why can't I just stay home with Laura!! At least she would be coming to my office. You don't even know how annoying Courtney is, she comes in every hour! Asking for things that don't even relate to work! Anyways I'm waiting for Laura to get here.
End of POV
Laura knocks on the door a peaks her head in.
Ross:"Laura come in!!"
Laura:"ROSSY!!" Runs to him and hugs him.
Ross:"Hey baby how are you?" He asked while pulling her on his lap.
Laura:"Great, but I got bored at home."
*knock knock*
Ross:"Come in!" He yells still having Laura on his lap.
Courtney:"Hey Ross can you check these photos and choose one that looks good!"
Ross:"let me see your phone" grabs Courtney's phone and hands it to Laura "baby choose one that looks good." "Doubt there's any." Mumbles
Laura:"ohhhh! This one!"
Courtney:"thanks..." Rolls her eyes and leaves
One hour later
Laura's POV
Ross went to the washroom I'm on his phone cause I'm bored and he said it's fine. I started to fill his snapchat story with a bunch of photos and then posted a picture on his Instagram, then I flooded his phone with selfies.
End of POV
*knock knock*
Laura:"Come in!"
Courtney:"Where's Ross?"
Courtney:"Is that Ross's phone?"
Laura:"Yeah, why?"
Courtney:"That's his personal phone no one should be on it!!"
Laura:"He lets me though."
Courtney:"No one should touch it!" Yanks the phone away and slaps Laura on the face.
Little does she know Ross was watching the whole thing.
Laura: crying
Courtney:"ROSS! Great your back Laura was touching your phone!"
Ross:"She's aloud to."
Courtney:"But it's your personal phone"
Ross:"Go sit over there and put my phone on my desk!"
Courtney:Does as told
Ross:"Baby come here..."
Laura:Runs to Ross, still crying
Ross:"Shhh baby don't cry" pulls her on his lap
Ross:kisses the top of her head "Courtney come here!"
Courtney:"yes" sits down
Ross:"What gives you the right to lay your hands on my girlfriend?!"
Courtney:"She was in your phone"
Ross:"it doesn't matter you shouldn't have touched her, I hope you know I can fire you right now!"
Courtney:"but it's your personal phone and you said no one could touch it."
Ross:"Yeah I said that but it doesn't mean my girlfriend can't touch it, you need to know who can and who can't!"
Laura:"Ross stop"
Ross:"alright, Courtney get out and do your work next time you will be fired!"
Courtney:"Ok" walks out.
Later on
Ross was doing his work with Laura beside him and staring at him.
Ross:"What are you staring at?"
Ross:"Maybe I should hire you to sit there all day, so I can stare at you."
Laura:"Nah! I don't want to stare at you all day!"
Ross:"That's it your getting it!!"
Laura:runs "Noooo!"
*knock knock*
Courtney:walks in and hit Laura with the door
Laura:fell "Oww"
Ross:"Baby!" "Are you okay?"
Laura:"Yeah, is my nose bruised?"
Ross:"Nope, now get up." Pulls her up.
Courtney:"umm Ross you have a meeting."
Ross:"Alright, let's go, be back later babe!"
Laura:"Alright, I'm going to play your phone though!"
Ross:"Go ahead, I don't care! Oh and Courtney DON'T YOU DARE HURT LAURA!"
Courtney:"Got it!"
After the meeting
Ross:"Let's go!"
Laura:"Alright, can we invite Courtney?"
Laura:"I'm trying to be nice!"
Ross:"Alright, but she's paying for herself, if you want to invite her go ask yourself."
Laura:"Fine!" Walks out
Ross:Great! JUST FUCKING GREAT! Laura might be mad at me!!😖 walks out
Laura:"Oh um, I was wondering if you wanted to come to dinner with Ross and I?"
Laura:"Alright then let's go, ROSS!"
Laura:"Let's go!"
Ross:"Ok" grabs Laura's hand
At the restaurant
One side:Courtney
Other side:Ross and Laura
They ordered
Laura:"So what?"
Ross:"Nothing" makes baby noise
Ross:"Your cute" wraps arm around her shoulder
Laura:"Stop making me blush!"
Ross:"Well your face is beautiful, can I see it?"
Ross:"Why not?"
Laura:"Cause, I don't want to see your ugly face!" Laughs
Ross:"That's it!" Tickles her
Laura:laughs her head off "STOP!"
Courtney:"Umm guys I'm still here!"
Laura:"Ohh sorry!"
Food comes
Laura:"Let's eat!"
Ross:Cuts his stake and feeds Laura "Open up!"
Laura:Eats the stake "Ummm!"
After dinner
Laura:"Alright I'm paying!"
Ross:"No I'm paying!"
Courtney:"Aww, your paying for me!"
Ross:"Hell nah! Your paying for yourself! I'm paying for Laura and my meal."
They leave
Ross drives Courtney home, then go home with Laura. (Ross and Laura live together)
At Raura's house
Ross:"come cuddle with me!"😩
Laura:"No! I gotta shower!!"
Ross:"Can I join?"
Ross:"Please, you know to save water?" Uses his puppy dog eyes 🐻
Laura:sighs "Fine, lets go!" Walks upstairs
Ross:"Yess" whispers, jumping up and down
Laura:"If you want to join me hurry up!"
Ross:"Coming babe!"
Done! Hope you guys enjoyed! Stay tune! Happy New Year!!🎉

Raura One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now