My 'Boyfriend?'

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5 year old Ross:"Laurie, my gwirfrwend, i love you!!"
5 year old Laura:"I woe you to Rossy"
13 year old Ross:"BABE?!?"
13 year old Laura:"Yeah?!?"
Ross:"I love you!!"
Laura: giggles "I love you too"
20 year old Ross:"Laura, we've been together since we were 5, when I randomly called you my girlfriend," gets on one knee
20 year old Laura:gaps "Oh my god Ross" tears up
Ross:chuckles"as I was saying I'm so glad I called you my girlfriend, I can't even imagine my life without you, I want to ask you this question will you marry me?"
Laura:"OH MY GOD YESSSS!!!" Starts crying
Ross:slips the ring onto her finger and hugs her "I love you"
Laura:smiles "I love you too"
2 months later
Pastor:"Do you Ross Lynch take Laura Mariano as your loving wife?"
Ross:"I do" smiles
Pastor:"Do you Laura Marano take Ross Lynch as your loving husband?"
Laura:"I do" smiles
Pastor:"I pronounce you Mr and Mrs Ross Lynch, you may kiss the bride"
Ross:slams his lips against Laura
Everyone else:cheers
Ross:"You look beautiful by the way" whispers
Laura:"You don't look to bad yourself" whispers back
Ross:carries her out the church
2 years later
Laura:"Baby, is that you?!?"
Ross:"Yeah, what's up??"
Laura:"I wanted to talk to you"
Ross:"This is never good"
Laura:"Its nothing bad I swear!"
Laura:"Do you ever want to start a family with me?"
Laura:"Well I'm pregnant"
Laura:"1 month"
I'm just leaving it like that, make up an ending if you want!! Also whoever commented an idea, I will be working on them. I know this one shot was really short, 😣 I just needed an update!! 😬 Until next time!! 💕

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