My Rockstar

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Ross Lynch is known for his music with his band R5, Laura Marano is well known for dating Ross Lynch.
Raura cuddling
Ross:"I love you"
Laura:"I love you too"
Ross:"You know sometimes I think what my life would be if we never met"
Laura:"Sometimes I ask myself the same thing"
Ross:"Would you ever leave me?"
Laura:"For who, I can't find someone as great as you"
Ross:"I don't know, I mean look at you, your gorgeous, you can do so much better"
Laura:"Don't say that, your the best thing that ever happened to me, I can't picture myself being with anyone but you, you honestly spoil me so much, your the one that can do much better"
Ross:"Fine then, just promise me you'll never leave me, cause if you do I don't know what I would do"
Laura:"I promise, you have to promise the same thing"
Ross:"I promise, I know this is a dumb question but can we go get matching tattoos?"
Laura:"Sure, what should we get?"
Ross:"We should get a promise tattoo, on our pinkies, right hand. (In the media)
Laura:"That sounds cool, when should we get them?"
Laura:"Sure, but your driving"
Ross:"That's fine with me"
At the tattoo shop
Ross:"Hi, we're here to get promise tattoos?"
Lady:"Alright, both of you?"
Lady:"Okay, take a seat over there"
Few minutes later
Tattoo guy:"What are you guys getting?"
Ross:"Both of us want the word promise on our right hand pinky"
Tattoo guy:"Ok, let's get started"
After the tattoo
Raura pays and leave, just kidding Ross paid for it.
Laura:"Wow I really like it!"
Ross:"Really, I like it to!"
Laura:"I love you, it won't change got it?"
Ross:"Yeah, I love you to! So since we got the tattoos, it means we would never hide anything from each other and never cheat and lie to each other also that our love is forever"
Laura:"I promise"
Sorry if it was short! Hope you enjoyed! Also today is the last day of AustinandAlly! 😢😢😢😭 I'm so sad it will always be my all time favourite show!

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