Touring Together (part2)

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Courtney: pulls away "are you ok?"

Ross: "I'm fine why?"

Courtney :"oh nothing, just worrying"

Ross: "Thanks for caring"

Courtney: "well can I ask you why?"

Ross:  "Don't even worry about it"

Courtney: "Can we talk real quick?"

Ross: "Umm sure what's up?"

Courtney: "Is there something going on between you and her"

Ross: "What do you mean?"

Courtney: "Like you know, is there anything going on between you two? You guys seem really close"

Ross: "Are you serious right now? Do you hear yourself? Why are you questioning me, me and Laura are best friends, since you never seem to trust me anymore how about we just end it here?!"

Courtney: "What?!?! NOOOO"

Ross: "Courtney we both know that it seems like we're both drifting apart, you never seem to trust me, the worst part you question me and control my life"

Courtney: "No, how about we take a break for a month or two and then get back together?"

Ross: "Courtney, no, I want this to end"

Courtney: "Since you want to break up so bad, there must be something going on between you two"

Ross: "Fine, you want to know the truth?"

Courtney: "Yes I do, whatever is going on between you two I deserve to know"

Ross: "Fine, just know you wanted to know, and after I tell you we're done"

Courtney: "What? N-"

Ross: "No Courtney, I'll tell you, I like Laura actually I love her, I always had"

Courtney: "How long?"

Ross: "Since the beginning of season 2"

Courtney: "Why didn't you tell me?"

Ross: "I didn't tell you because I wanted to move on but it didn't work, I love Laura"

Laura: "Y-Yo-You w-wha-what?"

Ross & Courtney: turns around and sees Laura 

Ross: "I lo-"

Courtney: "Ugh, could you leave us alone!"

Laura: "Oh in okay..." starts walking away

Ross: "Wait Laura" runs up and grabs a hold of her wrist 

Laura:turns around

Ross: "I love you"

Laura: shocked, wow 😳 Ross loves me what about Courtney

Courtney:  "Ross, this isn't over" walks away

Laura's POV

I don't even know what to say, Ross just said he does me, I don't know how to feel about it, I mean I do have feelings for him, he's such a sweetheart, but the question is do I love him?

End of POV

Ross: "Laura?"

Laura: "HUH?"

Ross: "I said I love you"

Laura: "Ross,"

Ross: sighs "It's okay if you don't feel the same way"

Laura: "NO! Don't get me wrong I do have feelings for you, but I just don't know if I love you.."

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