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Ross lynch and Laura Marano is dating and Laura is getting lots of hate from Ross's fans. She is depressed about it but covers it up by a fake smile.
R5 Meet and Greet:

Laura:Can you please get in a single file line?
Fan: Shut the fuck up!!
Laura:Ohh um okay? (Sad)
       (Laura walks away)
Laura:Um excuse me can you get in line please?
Fan:Shut Up okay no one cares about you!!
Gets pushed on the ground, twisted ankle
Ross sees Laura getting pushed and walked away from the group
Laura:Oww (tries to stand up but can't)
Ross:LAURA!!! (Runs over to her)
Picks her up
Laura:Ross go back!
Ross:No you can't even walk!!
Laura:GOO!! (Pushes him away)

Laura's POV
I know what your thinking why are you pushing him away if you can't even walk by yourself. Well it's because I'm distancing myself from him trying to get the hate to stop, you see people call fat, ugly, bitch. It just hurts OKAY!!
End of POV

Ross's  POV
What did I do wrong?? Why is she pushing me away when I'm just trying to help her??? 😔😔I love and care for her!! It hurts me the she isn't happy, yes I can tell her smile is fake, it hurts me even more that she's pushing me away! My worst fear is that she will leave me because of the hate!! 😖😖
End of POV

After the Meet and Greet:

Ross: Babe!!
Ross:Can I ask you something? You have to reply truthfully okay?
Laura:Sure, what is it?
Ross:Why did you push me away when I tried to help you??
Laura:Ummmmm, because
Ross:Can you tell me why, I promise I won't get mad
Laura:It's just that I'm getting so much hate I try not being around you so it can stop
Laura:It hurts okay do you even know what they say??
Ross:Yes but I can help you get threw it okay? Just next time tell these stuff I care about you.
Laura:Okay thanks
Ross:You don't have to thank me
Ross:I love you so much
Laura: I love you too baby
Hope you enjoyed this one shot, sorry for putting those names in, I have a few more ideas for one shots so it's not ending just yet!!

Raura One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now