Im sorry part 2

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A few weeks later:
Laura:"What do you want Ross?"
Ross:"I just wanted to talk, you know catch up?"
Laura:"Really, you want to 'catch up' like I would believe you I know you Ross"
Ross:"I'm being serious"
Laura:"Right, is Courtney going to come out of nowhere and slap me or something?"
Laura:"How do I know your telling the truth?" "Just like how you didn't tell me you cheated on me?" Mumbles
Ross:"Laur, I'm sooo sorry and the night we saw each other I broke up with Courtney after you left"
Laura:"Yeah okay whatever"
Ross:"Please let me make it up to you"
Laura:"Fine, if that is the way to get you to leave me alone"
Ross:"Whatever Laura, just so you know I still love you, I never stopped"
Laura:"Yeah, okay"
Ross:"Umm so, do you want to go to Starbucks to get something to drink?"
They walk to Starbucks and they order their drinks.
Laura:"So what did you want to talk about?"
Ross:"How's your life going?"
Laura:"It's fine but I never found a boyfriend after our break up"
Laura:"Yeah, how about you how's your life going?"
Ross:"Fine, after our break up a year later I met Courtney, I finally thought I found true love again but then later on in the relationship like 1 month later I figured out I didn't love her I realized that I couldn't love anyone else I only loved one girl in the world and that was you"
Laura:"Oh I'm sorry you felt that way, I don't know what to say,"
Ross:"Laura, can you give me a second chance?"
Laura:"I don't know Ross what you did to me I don't know if i can trust you again when I found out you cheated on me I was crushed"
Ross:"Laura, please I promise it won't happen again if you give me another chance, I will treat you like a princess, buy you anything you want, and love you forever, won't lie to you I will be honest with you, and I promise I DEFINITELY won't cheat on you with anyone"
Laura:"Ross, can I think about it?"
Ross:"Take all the time you need, I will wait for you" gives his number and walk out
Laura's POV
What should I do, I want to get back with Ross but can I trust him again? I know I still love that kid, how can I stop he was my everything my world revolved around him and when I found out he cheated on me I can't explain how many thing I've broken in the house, the place was trashed but then my mom came over one day and helped me clean the place up. Maybe just maybe I will trust him again and give him another chance.
End of POV
Laura:calls Ross
Ross:picks up "hello?"
Laura:"Yes" hangs up
Ross's POV
Wait I'm so confused what does she mean by yes? What? Wait... Oh my god! She's giving me another chance!!!!!!! I Have to go over there now, I'm so excited!!!
End of POV
Ross:Knocks one Laura's door
Laura:opens it "hi"
Ross:doesn't say anything and kisses her
Laura:kisses back
Ross:pulls away "hey babe"
Laura:"Who said I was your babe?"
Ross:"I did! Laura, will you be my girlfriend? I promise I won't hurt you in anyway, I will treat you like the princess of the world and I promise I will love you forever"
Laura:"YESSS!!!" Jumps into his arm
Hope you guys enjoy!! Sucky ending I know. To be honest with you I completely forgot about this one shot, I went back to the part 1 and I'm like ohhhh there's supposed to be a second part lol😂😂

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