Lazy days

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Ross's POV
I love my girlfriend so much currently I'm making breakfast for her. Incase your wondering who that is her name is LAURA MARANO!! I love her so much
End of POV
Ross:walks upstairs carrying the tray of food "baby wake up"
Ross:"Wake up beautiful" kisses her
Laura:kisses back and wakes up "morning handsome"
Ross:"Here's your breakfast"
Laura:"Thanks," sits up
Ross:places the tray on her lap
Laura:"So what are the plans for today?"
Ross:"Why don't we just have a lazy day and not do anything?"
Laura:"That sounds nice"
They both lay in bed for awhile watching Austin and Ally
Ross:"Do you want to go somewhere?"
Laura:"Sure, let's go to the mall"
Ross:"Alright, just where sweats and a shirt"
Laura:"I'll think of something but thanks for an idea!" changes
Ross:rolls his eyes
Ross:"Yeah lets go"
I know this is VERY short but at least there's a upload?? Lol. There might not be a part 2 sorry!! 💕💕💕

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