My Secretary part two

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Ross:runs to the bathroom
Laura:opens it while crying
Ross:"Baby what's wrong??"
Laura:"Nothing go eat dinner I'll be there soon"
Ross:"No! Tell me what's wrong"
Laura:"Fine you really want to know?"
Laura:"Okay, ithinkyourhidingsomethingfromme!"
Laura:"I. Think. Your. Hiding. Something. From. Me."
Ross:"What,no, why would I do that?"
Laura:"Because, I saw how close she was sitting next to you and you didn't care, I makes me think your cheating on me!" Still crying
Ross:"No I would never do that, I broke the number one rule in my company which 'never date someone you work with' just so I could be with you I'll never do that to you!"
Laura:"Okay, let's go eat" about to walk away
Ross:grabs her wrist "wait, Barbra I think you should leave and your fired!"
Ross:"Cause I said so! Leave or I'm going to call the cops also tomorrow you have ten minutes to get your belongings or else it's going to garbage!"
Laura:"Why did you do that?"
Ross:"Because it's proves that I'm not hiding from you and you are hired again you start tomorrow"
Laura:"What I'm not ready and what about the baby?"
Ross:"Babe it's okay, if you come back to work then I can keep an eye on you also you don't have to worry about me cheating on you"
Laura:sighs "Alright do I start tomorrow?"
Laura:"Also all my clothes don't fit"
Ross:"Take a pair of my sweats and one of my hoodies"
Laura:"NO! I will make your company look bad with me dressing like that"
Ross:"So? That's why it's my company"
Laura:sighs "fine!"
The Next Day
Ross:wakes up "Baby wake up!!"
Ross:"Get up and get dressed and we're going out to eat, then we're going to work"
Laura:"Okay" gets up
Few minutes later
Ross:"Babe! Are you ready?"
Laura:"Yeah," comes down wearing sweats and a hoodie
Ross:"Alright let's go!"
Laura:"Are you sure this is fine?"
Ross:"Yes, besides your were the best secretary I had!"
Laura:"Okay, let's go!!"
At Ross's Company
Worker:"Why is she dressing like that?"
Worker #2:"I know right?"
Ross:"You know I can hear you? You dumb bitches, I hope you know I can fire you for talking shit in my company?"
Worker:"I'm sorry it won't happen again!"
Worker #2:"Yeah, we are very sorry for talking shot about you Laura"
Laura:"Ohh! Ahh it's fine!"
Ross:"Alright go do your work I didn't hire you stand there!"
Worker:"Okay" walks off
In Ross's office
Laura:"Baby, why are you so rude to your workers?"
Ross:"Babe please, you know I hate gossipers/people that talk shit and dumb bitches, but as for you, your beautiful and I don't want you getting hurt"
Laura:"Awww! Your so sweet!"
Ross:"Yeah whatever! Come here"
Laura:walks over
Ross: pulls her down on his lap and kisses her
To be continued
Alright so this is part two but there is going to be a part three so you know how Laura doing on the job and who knocked on the door.

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