Touring Together

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Laura's POV
I'm so excited!!! I'm joining R5 on their world tour!! Eppp!!! I can't wait to see them! Especially a blonde, that I miss so much. Pfft... ITS NOT ROSS!! It's ummm RYDEL!! Yeah I miss her even though I text her every night. Anyways gotta go and start packing!!
End of POV
Ross's POV
We're having a special guest joining but I don't know who it is because I'm never at any of the R5 meetings because FUCKING Courtney wants to do this do that. Ughh!! I swear she can be so clingy sometimes.
End of POV
Few weeks later
Laura's POV
This is it, almost time to go on stage! I'm so excited, I'm singing two songs to start off with, they are Bommbox and La La

The proformace order
Laura's POV
Eppppp!! It's almost time to go on stage, I'm so excited. "Please help me welcome LAURA MARANO!!!!" That's my que to go on stage, wish me luck.
End of POV
Ross's POV
Did they said who I think they said?? Am I hearing this right, Laura's our special guest?!?! She looks beautiful
End of POV
Laura's POV
R5 is upppppp!!!! Oh my gosh look at the blonder over there, he's killing it!! I-I-I- mean their killing it!! Yeah let's just go with that!
After the concert
Laura:"Oh My gosh you did GREAT out there!!!!" Hugs him
Ross:chuckles and hugs back "want to go out and eat with us?"
Rydel:"Ross, are you dumb?! She's obviously coming with us!!"
Ross:"Okay!! I get it!" Let goes of Laura
Courtney:"Babe, you did great!" Hugs him
Ross:"Thanks" stands there not hugging back
Riker:"Lets go eat I'm starving!!"
Rydel:"Aren't you always?"
Should I make a part two?? Thanks for the idea @_LauraMarie_

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