You are family (part2)

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Ross's POV
Another amazing day spent on this road trip with my family and girlfriend! It's great, why does Courtney have to be here, is she part of the family? No! I just don't get it, I know she likes me because she said it herself.
End Of POV
Ross's POV
I'm just walking around cause Laura wanted to hang with Delly, I have nothing to do! 😖 Oh look who's coming my way! Courtney is, HELP!
End Of POV
Courtney:"Hey Ross can I talk to you for a second?"
Ross:"No go away!"
Courtney:"Please it's important!"
Ross:"Fine hurry I don't have all day!"
Courtney:"It's just that, I like you a lot, I want to be your girlfriend and do all the lovely dovely stuff!"
Ross:"Are you serious! I f*ucking love Laura! Your here telling me you like me are you crazy?"
Courtney:"Ross, why do you think I don't like Laura it's because I like you!"
Ross:"Your crazy! What makes you think I'll dump Laura to be with you, Laura is the best thing that ever happened to me, she was by my side when I needed someone! So back off hurt Laura I won't hesitate to hurt you! Now leave!"
Ross: Turns around and opens his arms "come here baby!"
Laura:Runs up to him and kisses him "that was so sweet of you to say all those things!"
End of flashback
Courtney's POV
Ughh!! I hate you Laura, why does Ross want to date you when he date me! I mean I'm so much better prettier! Don't be jealous because I'm prettier and better then you!
End of POV
Laura's POV
Why does Courtney hate me?!?!?! Is it because I'm dating Ross?
End of POV
Ross:"Baby girl! Come here and cuddle with your boyfriend!!!"
Ross:"Shut up your not my girlfriend! Laura come here!!"
Laura:"Coming hold your horses!!" Walks over to Ross "I'm here!"
Ross:Pulls her down onto the bed (like in the picture) "Your so small! So warm! So beautiful!"
Laura:"Stop making me blush you big idiot!" giggles
Ross:"But it's true babe!"
Laura:"Oh shut up"
Ross:"Whatever!" Starts kissing her
Little do they know Courtney was watching them! Creep!!
Part two done MERRY CHRISTMAS!

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