Jealousy Part2

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At Cheesecake Factory
Table order: Ross and Laura, Ryland and Courtney, Rocky and Riker, Rydel and Ellington, Stormie and Mark
Ross:"what do you want to eat?"
Courtney:"I'll take a Greek Salad"
Ross:"Great for you here comes the waiter, so Laura what do you want to eat?"
Laura:shocked "umm, I think I'll just take a Caesar salad"
Ross:"come on Laura get something that will make you full"
Laura:"No thanks"
Ross:"how about we share a spaghetti with meatballs, and your salad"
Laura:"Oh umm, are you sure you wouldn't want to share with Courtney instead?"
Courtney:"Yeah you know your girlfriend?"
Ross:"Laura I'm 100% sure I want to share will you"
Laura:"alright fine"
Waiter comes and they order, and they eat their food with Ross and Laura keep feeding each other and Courtney watching them.
After they left The Cheesecake Factory they went home
Riker:"Let's watch a movie"
Rydel:"What are we watching"
Riker:"Just a scary movie"
Laura:"Umm, second thought I don't feel like watching a movie" about to walk away
Ross:"C'mon Laura please?" Pulls her on his lap
Laura:"No thanks, it's a scary movie and I don't like that"
Ross:"You'll be fine I'm here, I'll make you feel better by letting you sit on my lap for the movie?"
Laura:"Are you sure I'm not to heavy?"
Ross:"you have to be kidding me right your not heavy at all"
Half way through the movie
Ross:"Oh my god Laura, calm down I'm here, don't be scared"
Laura:buries her face into his chest "it's scary, now I won't be able to sleep tonight" sighs "I should have never watched this movie" mumbles
Ross:hears "You'll be fine, if it makes you feel better you can sleep in my room tonight"
Laura:"Are you sure that's okay?"
Ross:"I'm positive, guys me and Laura are going to bed"
The next day
Ross's POV
Ughh, this is the worst morning ever, I woke up to Courtney trying to pry me out of bed to talk.
End of POV
Ross:"What, what do you want?!"
Courtney:"What I want is to talk to you!"
Ross:"Can't this wait till later because I'm trying to sleep and we'll wake Laura up"
Ross:"Fine, what did you want to talk about?"
Courtney:"Why are you spending so much time with her"
Ross:"You have got to kidding me right? I'm spending time with her because I haven't seen her in while!"
Courtney:"Well, I'm you girlfriend you barely have time for me anymore!"
Ross:"What are you trying to say!"
Courtney:"What I'm trying to say is, I don't want you to see her again!"
Laura:"What's going on?"
Ross:"Nothing go back to sleep"
Laura:"No, it's fine I can leave" starts getting out of bed
Ross:"NO STAY!" grabs her arm
Laura:sits on the bed
Ross:"Courtney, if that's what you want, then I'm breaking up with you"
Courtney:"WHAT, you have go to be kidding me!"
Ross:"I kid you not"
Courtney:"But why would you break up with me? Is it to date this skinny ass bitch?"
Laura:gaps and cry
Ross:"Courtney shut the fuck up! Laura, don't cry your to beautiful to cry"
Courtney:"Are you sure you want to break up with me for this cry baby?"
Ross:"I'm positive!"
Courtney:about to walk out the bedroom
Courtney:"I knew you wouldn't want to break up with me!"
Ross:"Actually I just called you back because... GET YOUR SHIT OUTTA HERE! And don't you dare hurt Laura!" "Bitch" mumble
Laura:heard and laughs "You know you didn't have to do that for me"
Ross:"It's fine I hate her anyways, during the relationship she was so controlling I couldn't hang out ANYONE and she was so clingy, she wouldn't let me have time for myself."
Laura:"Well now you have all the time you want for yourself"
Ross:"Not for long, Laura I loved your for a while would you be my girlfriend?"
Laura:"Are you playing a game with me?"
Ross:"No, I mean it I love you every since we met on Austin and Ally, so I'm asking again, will you be my girlfriend?"
Ross:"YESSSS!!!" Runs around the house screaming like a girl because of how happy he is
Well here's another one shot! The ending sucked I know! I didn't know how to end it!😔😞 Also I was desperate to update for you guys!😘💖 Hoped you guys enjoyed!!

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