More Than Friends??

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Ross Lynch is dating Courtney Easton, well Laura Marano is single.
At a fair with R5 also Laura is there
Ross's POV
I'm at this awesome fair with my family and girlfriend Courtney, this is fun!
End of POV
Laura's POV
I'm at the fair by myself!! Whatever it's cool,I'm not complaining.
End of POV
No One POV
Ross spots Laura
Laura:(turns around and sees Ross) "ROSS!"
They run up to each other and give a big hug to one another.
Ross:"I missed you"
Laura:"I missed you too"
R5,Ryland were standing there looking at rides and games while Courtney eyeing them to make sure nothing happens. Both Ross and Laura waked back to the others with the exception that Ross's arm is laying around Laura's shoulder.
Ross:Talking to Laura"Let's go on someone rides!"
Laura:"Ok,Courtney is coming to right?"
Ross:"Who? Oh yeah let's go"
All three of them with the exception of Ross's arm is still laying around Laura's shoulder. Later they decided that they wanted to get fro-yo so they went and got some, Ross payed for Laura's but not Courtney's, even though he is dating Courtney he didn't share one with her instead he shared one with Laura. The whole day Ross and Laura were acting like a couple leaving Courtney like a third wheel.
So yeah this is another one shot there is another one on the way so stay tuned!! Hope you like the stories

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