Award Show

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Riker:"ROSS LET'S GO!!"
Ross:"HOLD ON!"
Ross's POV
Currently getting yelled at by my siblings cause we had to go and get ready for our performance at the RDMA's, and I'm here trying to find Laura. I'll admit I miss her. Fine fine, I also have a crush on her. I mean how can I not?? She's such a cutie, she has a nice personality, she's also beautiful, did I mention she's a cutie?? I need to find her.
End of POV
Laura:turns around "Oh my gosh!!! Ross!!"
Ross:opens his arms "come here"
Laura:hugs him

End of POV Ross:"LAURA!!!!!"Laura:turns around "Oh my gosh!!! Ross!!"Ross:opens his arms "come here"Laura:hugs him

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Laura's POV
I heard someone call my name, me being turned around and saw the one and only Ross Shor Lynch. Fine, I'll admit I have a huge crush on him. I mean how can I not?? He's hot, he's a gentleman, he's an awesome singer, did I mention hot?? I was actually sad I wasn't going to see him. I thought his siblings and him were performing then leaving. Hmmmmm....
End of POV
Laura:pulls away a little  "What are you doing, I thought you guys had to perform?"
Ross:still has his arms around her"We do, but I wanted to see you"
Laura:"Awwww your so sweet!!"
Ross:"Well, I'm getting yelled at. But I don't care"
Laura:"ROSS!! Gooooo!!!"
Rydel:"ROSS!!!!!" Sees Laura "LAURA!!" Pulls her away from Ross and hugs her

Laura:"Hey Delly, how are you??"Rydel:"I'm doing okay, you?"Laura:"Busy, I heard you guys have to perform?"Rydel:"Yeah, we do but someone" glares at Ross Ross:raises hand in surrender "I'm sorry for wanting to see Laura"Laura:"Oh i'm sorry, I shou...

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Laura:"Hey Delly, how are you??"
Rydel:"I'm doing okay, you?"
Laura:"Busy, I heard you guys have to perform?"
Rydel:"Yeah, we do but someone" glares at Ross
Ross:raises hand in surrender "I'm sorry for wanting to see Laura"
Laura:"Oh i'm sorry, I should get going, don't want to hold you guys back"
Rydel:"Its fine, Imma get going, it's nice to see you laur"
Ross:"Dude!!! Find your own nickname for her, that's mine!!"
Rydel:"Whatever, anyways Laura we should hang out someday!!"
Laura:"Sure!! Text me when you guys get back!"
Rydel:"Alright bye" hugs Laura again
Laura:"I should get to my seat"
Ross:"Awwww ok... but first imma need another hug" opens his arms
Laura:giggles "doof"
Ross:"Whatever dude"
Raura: pulls away
Laura:"Good luck, break a leg, not that I mean ac-act-actually break a leg cause that'll be horri-"
Ross:chuckles "I get it, you'll be watching right??"
Laura:"Of course!!!"
Laura:"I guess you should go now"
Laura:confused "okay??" Starts walking away
Ross:"WAIT!!" Turns her around and kiss her
Laura:shocked but kisses back
Ross:pulls away "see you later laur, come back here after our performance is done, I need to talk to you"
Ross:walks away
I'm leaving it like this lol, make sure to vote lol!! Comment if you want!! 💕💕

Raura One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now