I'm Sorry!!

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Just pretend that's Ross and Laura So I would like to give a shoutout to fifa101 for giving this idea thanks!!
So Laura and Ross broke up 3 years ago they don't talk with each other anymore but one night everything changes
At the party
Host:"Alright so we are going to get some of you to sing, so get ready it might be you!"
Lights shine across the room and lands on both Laura and Ross
Host:"Ahh! You to get up here!!"
Both Ross and Laura walks up to the mini stage and sings 'You Can Come To Me'
Later during the party
Ross:"Hey Laur"
Ross:"Look, I wanted to say I'm sorry about the break up I know it was hard for you"
Laura:"Yeah, when you cheated on me!?!?"
Ross:"Yes, I'm sorry!"
Laura:"NO! You have no right to say your sorry because of you I haven't found someone else! I haven't moved on yet I'm still in love with you..."
Ross:"What, I had no idea Laura, I'm truly sorry"
Laura:"Well sorry doesn't fix anything do you know how many nights I sit in my room and cry!? I still do to this day! I can't ever stop loving you! You were my first everything!" Starts crying
Ross:pulls her in for a hug and starts crying "I'm sorry I had no idea I'm sorry for hurting you this much, I'm so s-so-sorry!"
Ross:"Yeah?" Pulls away
Courtney:"WHO IS SHE!?!?"
Ross:"Chill! She's my ex-girlfriend"
Courtney:"Why would you even talk to her, in case you forgot you have me"
Ross:"Whatever b*tch, see you later"
Courtney:"Excuse me!?"
Ross:"I called you a b*tch because your so selfish! Come on Laura we still have things to discuss" walks away with Laura
At the bar
Laura:"You know if your dating someone you shouldn't call them names"
Ross:"I don't even know why I'm dating her, honestly I feel so stupid for cheating on you"
Laura:"Well you already have, I'm going to use the restroom be right back"
When Laura came back they both had a couple of drinks and got drunk.
Ross:pushes Laura against the wall and starts kissing her
Laura:kisses back then comes back to reality and pushes him of "ROSS! You can't do this your cheating on Courtney! I don't want someone else to go through  what I went through, having someone you love cheating on you!"
Ross:"I'm sorry Laura"
Laura:"Whatever! It still wouldn't change anything you did from the past!" Leaves
Courtney: sees him and holds him back
Ross:"What the fuck Courtney!?!?"
Courtney:"What? Your my boyfriend and I have the right to do anything!"
Ross:"Whatever, we're done!" Storms out
Few weeks later
Cliffhanger! So here's another one shot and there's going to be a part two!

Raura One ShotWhere stories live. Discover now