New Book???!!!!!

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It's something new so please tell me in the comments what you guys think 😊😊

Player? (Preview)

Ross's POV

1.No sleeping with her twice

2.Don't spend the night

3.Don't let a female EVER touch my bed

4.No females aloud in my room

5.Pretend you don't know her after your done with her

Incase you haven't watched on yet, yes I'm a player, I don't want someone to tie me down, I mean look at my parents for example. They've been married for 30 years, they started a company which is very successful but... they are always arguing, that's why I chose a collage far away from them, since their company is so successful I rented my own penthouse with my best friend Cody, who is also a player like me but that's beside the point. I feel like they are only together because well they have a company together, that they started 27 years ago and also because they have me. Man, ugh, that sounded so lame! Anyways I never want to be and never will be tied down to anyone, I mean why would you, if you can have someone new every day? Speaking of which, who is this girl?

End of POV

Ross:"Who are you?"

???:"Don't you remember me? Megan ring a bell?"


Megan:"Really Ross, last night?"

Ross:"Get off me I don't know a Megan"

Megan:"How could you not last night was fun"

Ross:"I don't know you, I haven't seen you before"

Megan:"How could you? How could you not remember me?" starts crying

Ross:"Sweetheart, I don't care if you cry, If you spent a night with me, it means it was fun that night only, you should know my rules shouldn't you? Now, run along" waves hand dismissively

Megan:runs away crying

Laura's POV

Ugh, he's the worst he can't respect women, he plays with them, I'm never falling for it, I can't believe I call him my best friend, Ross and I have been friends since we were in diapers, our mom's are best friend since the first grade that's why I'm friends with him. I know all about his stupid rules, he has like a whole book of rules. Sometimes I can't stand that kid, but in the end I love him

End of POV

Laura:"Get off me Ross"

Ross:"Why babe, I know you love this" smirks

Laura:"I'm not one of your toys Ross"

Ross:"Damn Laura I was just joking doll face" winks at her

Laura:"Really Ross?"

Ross:"Alright, alright, I'll stop for this period"

Cody:"Jesus someone's flirting up a storm, remember those rules of your bro?" smirks

Ross:"Dude, stop"

Cody:"Fine, your no fun anyw-" gets cut off as a girl walks up

Cindy:"Hey Ross"

Ross:"Who are you?"

Cindy:"That's funny, remember last week on Tuesday, I had a great time, maybe we can pick off           where we left off" winks at Ross

Ross:"Umm, I don't know a Cindy"

Cindy:"Your a funny guy Ross, I know you remember me, don't play around" starts laughing

Ross:"Fine then, let me just tell you, don't bother I don't go for the same ones twice and honestly you weren't even that good"

Cindy:gasps "What do you mean"

Ross:"What I mean is you weren't that good, I've had better"

Cindy:starts tearing up "You don't mean that"

Ross:"I mean every word"

Cindy:"That's not what you said Tuesday night"

Ross:"Sweetheart, I would say anything to anyone to get them in bed" starts laughing

Cindy:"Your lying to me"

Ross:"I honestly just wanted to get you in bed that's all nothing more nothing less"

Cindy:runs away crying

Cody:"Good job bro" smiles

Laura:"You both man-whores are assholes" walks away

Ross/Cody:"LAURA!" catches up to her

Laura:"What do you assholes want?"

Ross:"Ouch babe, you don't mean that"

Laura:"Every word"

Ross:"Alright, I'm sorry"
This is something new I'm working on for another book, what do you guys think??

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