My Secretary Part 3

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Ross:"Come in!!"
Worker:"Hi, mr lynch"
Ross:"I'm thinking you forgot someone" pointing at Laura
Worker:"Ahh yes, hi Mrs.lynch"
Laura:blushes "no, my name is ms Marano"
Worker:"Ohh, sorry, well I just wanted to say Barbra is still here she's wants to talk to both of you" walks out
Ross:"Let's go baby girl" wraps arm around her and grabs her ass
Laura:"Ross let go now"
Ross:"No! This ass is mine!"
Laura:"Whatever let's talk to Barbra"
Walks out
Ross:"What do you want Barbra?"
Barbra:"Um I wanted to know why you fried me for this hoe"
Laura:tears up
Ross:"Bitch what did you just call her?!?!"
Barbra:"I called her a hoe because it's true"
Laura:starts crying
Ross:"First off she's not a hoe"
Barbra:"She's a fucking hoe, pregnant and yet she still decide to steal my job"
Ross:"Fuck off, you never had this job first, she's not a hoe when she's pregnant with MY baby! Your such a bitch"
Barbra:"Why would you even call me that babe?"
Ross:"Ewww, you are so ugly I don't understand, if I date you then wouldn't that make me ugly? Why would I date you anyways?"
Barbra:"I mean look at me"
Ross:"What am I looking at?"
Ross:"Babe what wrong!"
Laura:"The baby's coming"
Ross:"Oh my god! Call the ambulance!"
Worker:calls the ambulance
A year after
Laura's POV
After I gave birth to our daughter we named her Madelyn. She's beautiful and I stay home to watch her and Ross obviously hired a new secretary and her name is Courtney Eaton and I'm meeting her tonight.
End Of POV
Later that night
Laura:walks in with Madelyn "yeah?"
Ross:"This is my secretary Courtney"
Laura:"Hi Courtney, I'm Laura Ross's girlfriend"
Courtney:"Ugh, hi you obviously know who I am cause Ross here already introduced me"
Laura:"Ok, I'm anyways please sit and enjoy dinner is ready"
Courtney:"Alright" sits down at the dinner table
Ross:plays with their daughter
Laura:brings food out
All:eats dinner and talks
Laura POV
I really hate this Courtney girl, she has a bad attitude and it feels like she's going to try and steal Ross away from me like Barbra. Anyways I wanted to tell Ross I'm pregnant again.
End of POV
Laura:"Umm Ross I need to tell you something I'm pregnant"
Ross:"Really!? I'm so excited!"
Ross:"Do you have problem?"
Laura:"And what would that be?"
Ross:"COURTNEY that's it! Your FIRED!"
Courtney:"But bu-"
Ross:"No buts!"
The next day...
Ross:"Laura, your coming to work with me!"
Laura:"why? Who's going to watch the baby!?!"
Ross"Bring her with us, she can sleep in our office!"
Laura:"Fine, are you sure though?!"
Ross:"Yes I'm positive, also you were the best secretary I ever had!"
Ross:"Yes, are you ready lets go!"
At the company
Ross:"Alright I'm going to show you where she's staying"
Ross:walks to his office
Laura:walks in "how is there a crib in here already?"
Ross:"I got it set up last light"
Laura:"So you just assumed I was going to work here?"
Laura:"Alright whatever I'll be outside is the desk still there?"
Laura:walks out
Ross:stares at her ass "damn"
Laura's POV
So I was working minding my own business why Courtney came and marched into Ross's office so I followed behind.
End of POV
Courtney:"Why would you fire me for this bitch"
Ross:"Please she's not a bitch, your the bitch here you better leave in the next 5 minutes or else your going to be thrown out of here!"
Courtney:"Not until she leaves!" Glares at Laura
Laura:moves around
Ross:"Are you kidding me right now?"
Ross:"LEAVE NOW! And if I ever see you near her again your dead to me understand?"
Courtney:"yeah understand Laura???"
Courtney:"Y-y-yes!" Gets her stuff and runs out
Ross:"Ahh some peace and quiet baby go to work, we'll go lunch in 30 minutes okay?"
Laura:"O-o-okay" about to walk out
Ross:"Stop. Turn. Around."
Laura:turns around
Ross:"come here"
Laura:walks over to him "Y-y-yes?"
Ross:pulls her on his lap "are you scared of me or something?"
Laura:"Maybe it's just I never saw you that mad before, and I didn't know what to do..."
Ross:"Babygirl, don't EVER be scared of me I'll never hurt you"
Laura:doesn't answer
Laura:sighs "okay"
Ross:"great now get to work"
Laura:gets up
Ross:slaps her ass
Laura:giggles "stop!!"
Anyways that's another one shot hope you enjoyed and thanks for 8k reads!! 😘😘 Also I think I'm done with my secretary one shot!

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