High School Love Raura

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Sorry so this will maybe be the last one-shot and I know I used the same characters sorry!! Yes so there Courtney in this!!
So R5 is going on tour and Rydel invited Courtney, she doesn't know that Laura would be there. She has a thing for Ross, she was determine to get Ross during this tour!!!
At 5:00am
Ross's POV
Yeahhhh!! I'm Ross and my amazing girlfriend is no other then Laura Marano, so right now she is saying bye to her parents.
End Of POV

Laura's POV
I'm going on tour with R5. Cause I wanted to spend time with Ross. My boyfriend. So I'm saying goodbye to my parents.
End Of POV

Laura:Ross why don't you go on the bus and put our stuff away. I be in the a second.
Ross:Okay (pecks her lips)

Ross POV
So right now I'm getting on the bus I get on walk to the bunks. Laura and I get the big bunk because we're sharing. Riker doesn't trust Rydel and Ellington together!
End Of POV

Courtney:Rossy you can bunk with me!
Ross:No tha- (get cuts off)
Laura:Ross where are you???
Ross:In here baby!!
Laura:Hey (pecks his lips) Hey Courtney!! (Hugs her) So what were you guys talking about?!?
Laura:O-Kay? So (turns to Ross) are you going to show me around?
Ross:Yeah come on!!
Laura: Nu uh you are giving me a piggyback ride!!
Laura hopes on his back.
Ross starts walking
Courtney: Ross can you umm give me a tour too?
Ross:Umm why don't you ask Rydel or something?
Laura:Ross don't be rude but of course she can, if she doesn't mind
Courtney:I will join you guys
Laura:Okay, Ross giddy up!!
Ross:Alright hold on tight
So Ross gives them a tour of the bus with Laura on his back the whole time.
Ross:Anyways that's it for the tour
Later that day:
R5 with Ryland, Laura, Courtney played truth or dare. They gave Ross and Laura couple dares the whole time. They didn't trust Rydel and Ellington on the couple dare.
At Night:
They all went to sleep Ross and Laura were in the buck cuddled up and making out while Courtney just stared at them with jealousy.
The Next Day (day of the concert)
Ross:Now I want to show you my beautiful girlfriend-
Courtney is prepared to walk on stage and Laura is staring at her with a confused look.
The crowed cheers
Courtney begins to walk on stage until she hears Laura's name and steps back, Laura starts to run into Ross's arm! Now the crowd is cheering even louder!
Courtney just stood there jealous.
Courtney now knows that Ross belongs with Laura and Laura belongs with Ross.

The End
Sorry if it sucked!! So this is another one shot hopefully you like it!! This one shot took me two days to write, I have another idea for a one shot so this is not the last one. Don't worry the next one doesn't have Courtney in it!

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