The Popular and The Nerd

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Ross lynch the popular and is dating someone that gets bullied the one and only Laura lynch... OPPS did I say lynch I meant Laura Marano!! 😂
At school:
Laura was at her locker when the popular girls came up to her and slammed her into the locker. Laura needed up on the ground crying. Ross came just in time and yelled at them because no one messes with him
"What the fuck do you think your doing?!?!?!?!" Ross yelled
"Rossy, she hit me first!" The popular girl complain.
"Yeah right! I saw you came up to her and started to hit her!" Ross yelled and picked Laura up and held her bride style. He stormed off, that day he announced if anyone messes with Laura he won't be afraid to hurt them. Everyone got scared.

During lunch
"Babe what do you want to eat?" Ross asked as he wraps his arm around her waist and rest his he on her shoulder.
"I'm not hungry" Laura replies
"Please? We can share!!" Ross said
"Fine. How about a sandwich?" Laura asked
"That's fine" Ross replied
"babe come sit with me" Ross said
"Noooo, you sit at the popular table I'm not even popular so what makes you think I can sit there?" Laura reply
"Doesn't matter lets go!" Ross yelled
Ross dragged Laura to the popular table and everyone glared at her. Ross sits down and look at Laura and said. "Babe sit down" Laura went to sit but the popular girl pushed her and sat down, Laura frowned and looked down, Ross looked up at her and sighed and pulled her on his lap. All the girls glared at her again.
After lunch
Ross was walking Laura to her class when a bunch of girls ran by Laura and purposely knocking her over. Ross sighed at picked her up and brought her to class. He later went to the office to make an announcement.
"Hey I'm Ross and I'm sure you guys know my girlfriend Laura Marano. I want to tell you guys something mess with her again I won't be afraid to beat you up! So don't you dare to hurt or bully her because if you do, just know I will be coming for you! I love you baby!!!" Ross said on the PA.
Since that day on no one messed with Laura because of Ross's threat. Everyone was scared so they backed off. The reason why Ross did that you ask was because he was tired of people bullying and hurting her.
Another one shot. Hope you guys envoy these one shots!!!

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