Bad Boys Girl

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Well Ross is the bad boy of the school which should never be messed with especially his girlfriend, if your in a relationship with him you will know he is really sweet. Yes he is dating someone by the name of Laura Marano no one messes with her they are to scared to get beat up.
Laura's POV
Right now I'm playing volleyball with my friends. Ross friends came and snatch the ball away and won't give it back, sorry bro you might get beat up ok!
End Of POV

Laura:(runs over to Ross) "ROSS!"
Ross:"Yeah babe?"
Laura:"tell your 'friend' to give our volleyball back"
Ross:"okay" (runs over to his friend)"David!! Give the volleyball back to my girl now!!!"
David:(hands it back to Laura)"sorry!!" (Runs away)
Laura:"Thanks Rossy" (hugs him)
Ross:"Your welcome baby" (hugs back)

Ross's POV
I know what your thinking why are you so harsh on your friends well I just don't like them messing with someone I love yup you guessed correctly I don't want them messing with my girlfriend Laura Marano, if they do I won't hesitate to beat them up!!!!!
End Of POV

Now let's see what happens if Ross isn't here.
Laura's POV
So here we are playing volleyball and BAM! One of Ross's friends stole the ball!!😫 It's so ANNOYING!!
End Of POV
Rick:"Bro give the volleyball back to them, you don't want to get beat up do you?"
Rick:"Then give the volleyball back, get a damn life!!"
Luke:"Chill out!" (Hands ball back to Laura)
Rick:"No f*ck you, you always think your cool"
Laura:(whispers)"Girls let's go play over there"
Laura and the girls leave and left them to fight.
The end so it's short!! Also sorry it took so long! 😬

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