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Ross Lynch, the school heartthrob/bad boy is dating Laura Marano. Now, even though Ross has anger issues and is demanding doesn't mean he doesn't love Laura.
Let's take a trip down the memory lane shall we?
During P.E Class
"Ross, listen your not the boss here I am!" Blah blah blah! Currently getting yelled at by my P.E teacher because I'm disrespectful! WTH! We are all sitting on the floor except my girlfriend, Laura Marano. I will show this b*tch who's boss!
End Of POV
"Whatever!" Ross yells
"Laura can you go tell the office to bring someone down?" Miss Berkley asked
"Sure," Laura replied
"Nu-uh! Laura come here!" Ross yelled
Laura got frightened and look back and forth, between Ross and the teacher.
"Laura, I'm not going to repeat myself, come here!" Ross yelled again
Laura got so scared because of Ross's anger issues, so she started walking towards Ross, sending Miss Berkley 'I'm sorry' look, Miss Berkley nodded, while Ross was smirking.
When Laura reached Ross, he pulled her down so she ended up in Ross's lap. He started kissing her. Laura refused to kiss back so Ross pulled away.
"Damn it! KISS ME BACK!" Ross yelled and smashed his lips on hers. Laura whimpered from the impact. When Ross licked her lips, she denied. He got mad and started sucking at her neck harder than ever, leaving a massive hickey. He went back to her lips and bit down on her bottom lip so hard she thought she was bleeding. Laura pulled away and sat next to him not making eye contact. Ross looked over at her and smirked he rolled on top of her and started to make out with her.
Now there is a sweet side of Ross, lets take a look.

During P.E Class
Some girls hated Laura cause she was dating Ross so basically they were jealous but who cares. So they decided to trip Laura. They ran over the her one pretended to bump into her and the other one tripped her. Laura landed on the ground with a twisted ankle Ross saw and ran over to her and asked.
"Babe, are you ok??"
"Yeah, just twisted my ankle."
Ross lifted her up and brought her to the benches and set her down he ran to get ice, when he got back he handed the ice to her and lifted her up and placed her on his lap.
So as you see Ross has two different sides he can be mean and everything but doesn't mean he doesn't have a heart.
The end sorry it took to long I had no idea but don't worry I have more one shots coming!!!! 👍🏼

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