Our Secret

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Ross POV
I'm so excited!! I'm going to visit someone and Courtney isn't here. I need a break for her. She's getting really clingy.
End of POV
Ross:walks in the house "Babe???"
Laura:"I'm right here!"
Ross:"Oh sorry come give your boyfriend a kiss..." laughs
Laura:"Fine mr bossy pants!"
Ross POV
I know, I know, what your thinking how could you Ross?!! Welllll..... Courtney is just with me for publicity. I'm truly in love with Laura Marie Marano! She's so frikin adorable. We've been dating for about 4 years now, honestly i couldn't ask for anyone better than her. I can't imagine what life would be like if she wasn't here in my arms.
End of POV
Courtney's POV
Ross has been distant lately. I'm really worried. Yes you caught me. I like him. So I think of myself as his actual girlfriend. I'm so lucky we have to do this. Haha in your face Laura. Yes you caught me again!! I don't like Laura. I feel she's going to take Ross away from me. And yes whenever I see her I get jealous. I wonder what he's up to now? He said he's going out but never said to where. You know what, as a worried girlfriend I'm gonna call him. Even though he told me not to call him.....
End of POV
Raura:making out
Ross's phone rings
Ross:sighs "Can't I make out with my girl without getting intruped?!?"
Laura:giggles "Answer your phone idiot!" Sits up on the couch
Ross:puts phone on speaker "Hello?"
Ross:"What Courtney?!?"
Courtney:"Oh um, im just wondering where you are, in worried.."
Ross:"Don't worry about it... didn't I tell you before I left NOT TO CALL ME?!?!"
Courtney:"Umm yeah you did."
Ross:"Well why'd you call me then?"
Courtney:"I'm just worried"
Ross:"Well, stop worrying!" Hangs up and slams his phone on the table
Ross:"Yeah?" Looks at her
Laura:"Are you okay?"
Ross:"Babe, I'm fine, sorry for yelling though"
Laura:"Its fine, you want to talk about it?"
Ross:"Do you mind?"
Laura:"Not at all, after all you are my boyfriend"
Ross:"Oh alright since I'm your boyfriend" chuckles
Laura:playfully punch him "Oh shut it you"
Ross:"Alright," pulls Laura on his lap "Courtney has became really clingy, she alway likes to be around me and stuff, constantly calling me asking where I'm am who I'm with, it's like she thinks she's my girlfriend"
Laura:"Has it ever crossed your mind she actually thinks she's your actual girlfriend?? Not someone hired for publicity??"
Ross:"Oh my god no!! I'm doomed if she thinks that, first thing in going to change my number"
Laura:giggles "Idiot"
Laura:"Hey loser!"
I'm currently obsessed with the idea of them secretly dating. (IM NOT CRAZY) there's a chance this will have a few parts. 💕💕

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