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Hey everybody I am taking my time with this one. As you can probably tell something BIG is about to happen. I am currently planning the plot line for this and will hopefully post Sunday, but, as you may know, by just the title alone Rose isn't going to be here... I hope you continue with this please. The reason for this is because Granny didn't get to be saved. This whole thing is about granny and so I have to make it realistic as possible, do you guys get that? I hope so. Writing her death is extremely hard so please, let me get my head and emotions together before I continue. Thanks for supporting me, commenting and everything like that through this rollercoaster! Oh, something is about to happen to Harley ;)

Much love, Lissa.

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now