Chapter 16

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Rose POV

I woke up in the Academy's clinic, looking around with a groggy feeling as I sat up in my hospital bed. A feeling rose up in my stomach: happy, wonderment, and confused. A doctor came in almost immediately.

"Is Lissa here?" I asked her.

She rose an eyebrow at me. "Who?"

"Vasilisa Dragomir, the queen?" I said, getting agitated and felt as if it was from Lissa than from me, it had to be.

"She isn't here, Mrs. Hathaway."

What the hell? I sat up in the bed and rose an eyebrow. "What do you mean?"

Images flashed in my mind and I have to shut my eyes as I remember waking up in a casket, a fucking casket. Was I fucking dead? Am I still dead? I moved my fingers to my skin and lightly pinched. Yep, I'm more than alive.

"She's the queen, Rosemarie. She would be at the Royal Court. "

I nodded and looked over the nurse's shoulders as I saw Dimitri in the doorway, his brown eyes looked worried- and relieved. He wore his usual attire, and I'm assuming he never, ever takes that Brown duster off ever. It brought a smile to my lips, that he returned automatically.

He cleared his throat, alerting the nurse about his presence. The nurse backed up, looking to her side at him, then looked over at me. "I'll give you a mintue alone." And quickly left us in the room.

The last time I had seen Dimitri was when I was on my death bed and now I'm here, looking into his wonderful eyes that was filled with light, unlike his expression when I had mintues to live.

"Roza." He breathed and went to my side, smiling with tears, now that I had a good closer look was in his eyes as he brushed his brown shoulder hair away from his face.

I placed my hand over his cheekbone as I smiled over at him. "Comrade."

"I-I thought I had lost you. For-" I silenced him immediately as I pressed my lips to his, wrapping my arms around his neck, letting my hands run wild in his silk hair.

The only time we had broken apart was to catch our breaths, nothing else seemed to matter when it was just us. I loved him, so, so much. I couldn't believe I had died and now I'm here. Again.

"I love you Roza." Dimitri said into my ear as he quickly checked every inch of me to see if I was alright. Of course I was, because when you get brought back from the dead, everything that got you to that place was ridden of. It was a pretty cool tool, though. One that Lissa had done a few years ago.

"How did you die, Dimitri?" I asked, suddenly confused that he was in the afterlife when I was.

"A Strigoi had came and attacked me." Dimitri paused for breath,"I'm guessing the wards were weak, or the guardian's that were there didn't check as soon as they had gotten there."

I nodded and sniffed him. Ugh, he smelled horrible. Has he not taken a shower in a month? Seemed like it.

"Comrade, you should freshen up. I was only dead for over a period of a month and you smell like a sewer. "

He crinkled his brow at me, as if he hadn't realized it. "I don't want to leave you, Roza."

I sighed, exasperated. "Dimitri, go take a shower. I promise, nothing bad will happen to me while you take care of yourself." I smiled at him.

"Okay, I'll be back later after the shower."

I nodded and shouted after him as he went for the door. "Bring me some clothes as well! This hospital gown is not working for me."

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now