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Dear my lovely readers,

I am very, very sorry for not updating this book like I should have. This book is really, really hard to write because it's such a strong storyline and very well might be the hardest work/book I have had to do. This book is very, very dear to my heart, and therefore, hard to write. It brings back up a bunch of memories that I am trying so hard to forget, like her funeral ( The scenes I am trying hard to figure out if I can write or not) because, when you lose a loved one and it was from Cancer, it's very, very hard to write it all out on paper. So, I am taking time off on this story, and I'll hope you'll stay with this until I figure out how to work on these two chapters.

Until the next update, I'll try and update my other books because, I have been very, very slack with them as well. So, with that being said, I am writing the update for: Rose's Dying Wish, I'll try and have an update two weeks from now on Va- Strigoi Mistake, and my orignial story: " The Diary Of Allie Lane"

Thanks again for reading this book and Shattered Wishes. Send the word out for me?


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