Chapter 15

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Dimitri's POV

I woke up and saw my familiar surroundings. There wasn't any type of blurring effects as I had saw when I was dead. I shivered and looked over to my left, seeing Lissa stand before me, her jade green eyes alerted and concerned. 


I sat up and looked at girl who had blonde hair that sat right next to me- Avery Lazar, I presumed. Wait.. Had Rose told me about her before? Is that how I knew about her? I looked back over at Lissa.   " Princess, did you use your powers to bring me back?" 

Lissa shook her head. " I hadn't known that you had even left this world." 

I frowned at her words and then gazed back over at Avery. 

"Hi, Guardian Belikov. I'm Avery Lazar." 

I nodded once and suddenly we all looked towards the casket, where Rose had sat up now, exclaiming a few strings of cuss words at the expense. "Roza.." I breathed as I saw her form, alive and working. It was truly an amazing sight to behold.  "Rose!" I said as she had clambered out of the coffin and had ended up on the hard floor. 

I got up, going to her side, my hand on her arm, helping her back to her feet. "Rose.." I said in a confused tone. " How is this possible?" 

"Apparently somebody had used spirit to bring us both back." Rose sputtered. 

"Rose, we'll talk more about this later, alright? Right now, we have to get you better than what you are looking right now."

"Okay, Comrade." She whispered and suddenly Rose had drifted away into a deep, deep sleep. "Alert the guardians, tell them to put her in her room." 

Lissa nodded and soon a few guardians had lifted Rose up onto a stretcher and then had them escort her back to the Academy. " Princess, where would you like to go? Back to the Academy or the court?" 

Lissa watched me and said, " I am the Queen, Dimitri. I can't go back to the Academy. " Her tone conveyed sadness and concern. Concern for her best friend and Guardian. 

"Okay, I'll see what I can do about the earliest flight there and then I'll keep you updated on Rose's condition, alright?" 

Lissa smiled and wrapped her arms around me. " Thank you." 

I smiled and held her, my eyes on Rose's lingering body that was currently being set out towards Montana.

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now