Chapter 22

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A/n: A short, but insanely important. So, as you guys all know, this story is kinda coming to a standstill. And I am planning to have 25 chapters to this, so I immensely hope you all like the ending because things are seriously getting heated in these next few chapters! Again, thank you so so much for reading!

Rose's POV

After I let go of Dimitri, I finally went over to everyone, giving them each a hug with my Mother last. I held her for a bit longer, because well, she's my Mom. I love her.

I finally pulled back, looking at everyone, but my eyes rested on Comrade. "So, you did all of this? The room, proposal and everyone here just for me?"

Dimitri nodded and grinned, walking over to my side as he wrapped his arm around my waist, bringing my body closer to his. His wonderful aftershave hit my bose, making my legs go almost weak at the knees.

Oh, how I've missed him.

I smiled and hugged him back, practically forgetting everyone else in the room execpt for the two of us. That's how much I loved him. It was crazy how one person could love another person so, so much and so deeply that you practically hurt when they're not around.

That's how I felt around Dimitri Belikov. Every. Single. Time.

"Earth to Romitri!!" Lissa said and smiled softly. "So, are you going to put the ring on her finger already?"

I chuckled lightly at her statement. "Yes, Liss. He is." I extended my hand and allowed Dimitri to place the ring on my ring finger. The diamond wasn't anything big, but it was beautiful to say the least.

I smiled down at holding it up towards the light so it sparkled little tiny rainbows across the room's wide rug. It was so, so beautiful that I was almost entirely speechless, which didn't really happen that often.

"Soon you will be Mrs. Belikov. " Dimitri whispered into my ear and it made me look at him, my brown eyes filled with love and probably even tears.

(A week later.)

I was bent over some pictures of dresses, but I was also looking at pictures of all kinds of roses, tulips, Sunflowers, Dasies, puntias, etc.

I groaned, closing the flower book shut as I looked over at Lissa who was on her bed, looking at pictures of crazy assortments for the wedding to come. To say that I was incredibly tired from it would be an understatement.

"God, if I'd known if a wedding was this much work, I'd never had said yes." I said to Lissa as I leaned back in the chair, swiveling to face her figure that was laying flat on her stomach on her bed.

"Oh, c'mon Rose. It's not that bad." Lissa said.

"Easy for you to say." I remarked to her. "Your not the one who has to wear a dress."

"What because it's not lace? " Lissa asked me, now looking towards me, eyebrows raised. "You do know lace can be intertwined with garment, right?"

I shook my head smiling softly. "Yeah, sure. Besides, my Mother is going to be there and she's already planning to have it at the court's church." I paused, then added "Like there would be enough guests she could invite to that. "

"Oh c'mon, Rose! " Lissa exclaimed. "She's excited. As should you!"

I rolled my eyes. "I just feel like Dimitri is rushing this is all. "

"Well then maybe you should talk to him about rearranging the date, Rose." Lissa said. "There's no harm in slowing things down. Believe me I know."

I chuckled, smiling softly at her words."Of course "

I sighed and rubbed my eyes. "You know what, Liss?" I told her, feeling my eyelids droop tiredly. It was the middle of the night for the Moroi, lissa and I have been up for most of the day and night as well trying to figure things out for the wedding."I think we should get some sleep. I am tired. Plus you have that meeting early in the morning, remember? "

"Ugh." Lissa said, making a face of disgust. "Don't remind me. I hate those meetings. We never get anything accomplished, plus the Alchemists are seriously still trying to get Moroi blood for their crazy tattoos. "

"You mean the lily tattoo?" I asked, remembering Sydney's cheek.

Lissa nodded. "That's the one."

"Lissa, those tattoos are important to them. That's what makes them Alchemists."

"Yeah, yeah." Lissa said, and I could feel the aggravated feelings through our bond.

"Look, get some rest and I'll go to the meeting tomorrow with you,alright?"
Lissa nodded and stifled a tiny yawn. "Okay, Rose."

I got up from the chair, knowing Lissa was tired.

"Night, Liss."I said before leaving her room, going towards my own for the night, but before I did I remembered that I now share one with my future husband. I smiled softly as I quickly went to our room, going inside as I saw Dimitri on the bed, his shirtless chest was exposed and good God was I lucky to have him.

I breathed in, trying to keep my hormones in check as I shut the door, breaking him away from the book he was reading.

"Ah, there is my future wife!" Dimitri said and placed a bookmark in the book before he set it on the nightstand.

He smiled softly as he came from the bed, wrapping me into his strong arms. I grinned and arapped my arms around his neck.

"I've really missed you." He whispered as he looked down at me. I grinned as he leans down, kissing my lips. I smiled as he picked me up, with my legs wrapped around his waist he took me to the bed, as I had let out a soft giggle escape my lips.

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