Chapter 1

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Lissa POV

((A Week Later))

I sighed mentally after Rose had passed. It was just plain horrible. I barely got up, ate, or even talked. I was pretty sure that Christian and his Aunt were really worried about me, but, I just didn't care. It felt like a huge black hole swallowing me inside, some days were good, but mostly I just sat in my room, looking at the white walls filled with tons of pictures of Rose and I. I blinked back tears as I put the covers over my head. I was just too numb to do much of anything. I sighed again as I curled up, wishing I had someone to comfort me and to just tell me that this was all just a bad dream, but it wasn't, I knew that completely. This. Was. So. Fucking. Real. I shut my eyes tightly as tears came down my cheeks. Words can't even describe the feeling coursing me. I clenched my pillow to me as I cried and cried, and cried... It still doesn't feel real that Rose is gone from this world, that that wonderful friend of mine is inevitable not here.

A knock on the door sounded but I didn't even have the strength to tell the person who was at the door to come in. I heard the door open and close so I knew the person was inside the room with me. I stayed perfectly still as silent tears crossed my cheeks.

"Lissa.." it was Christian's soft and concerned voice. I shook when I heard him because I couldn't answer him, not without breaking down completely. I didn't want to see anyone, not even him. Which was just awful because I knew.. part of me knew I was hurting all of them by not doing anything. I had just ist my best friend and I couldn't take it.. I just couldn't. I hid my face in the pillow as I felt the bed dip, knowing he had sat down fully. I closed my eyes even though everything around me was dark from where I hid under the covers.

"Lissa, please.. please let me in. I hate seeing you like this and I am pretty sure Ro-"

I quickly cut him off. "Don't say her name. I-I can't bear to hear right now." I bit my lip hard as I tried to contain more tears, but, everything was falling apart inside of me. The pain, every second was unbearable. I barely breathed because I couldn't go on without her, I just couldn't. I bit my lip hard as Christian rested his hand on my side, sighing softly as if he hated to see me like this, and, yes, I hated that as well, but, I had just lost my best friend, I couldn't act like everything was alright when they weren't. I'd be lying if I had said Rose's death didn't affect me, because, God knows it did! Painfully so. My body shook violently and Christian got up, and for a moment I thought he had left but I felt the covers move a little and right after I felt Christian's body against mine, his arms encased me, his chin lightly resting on my collarbone. His breath tickled my ear and and I swallowed.

"Please Vasilisa... Please talk to me, or, at least give me a sign that your somewhat alive." His voice was soft and a bunch of tears cascaded down both of my cheeks. The pain inside of me was just suffocating and I barely could breathe.I let out a whimper as my body shook again. There was no way I could ever get over her death. No way at all. I was all alone and I couldn't help but think that I missed Rose like crazy and that I wish she was here, holding me like she did when I was like this. The pain was so real, so intimately painful to the point where I just wanted to die with her. Life couldn't possibly go on without her. Not at all. I sniffled as Christian tried his best to get me to talk but it did no good. Nothing could take away the pain, nothing... Not even Christian.

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now