Chapter 21

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Dimitri's POV

After Rose got the clear to go home, I lightly smiled to myself. I was extremely happy to have her home, well at the Academy home. As I carried Rose's things to the black suv, I noticed how very little things she had. I smirked to myself, knowing she was going to love what I had in store for her once we get back to the Academy.

Once all of her things are packed into the car, I gladly return to her room, ready to be of assistance when she needed me. I didn't know if the doctors were going to wheel her out of here, but some part of me secretly didn't want them too. I wanted to do that.

Once back in the room, Rose's dark eyes met mine. She smiled at me,and I smiled back.

"You ready to go home, Roza?"

She nodded at me and I moved towards her, pushing a stray lock of hair behind her ear.

"Of course Comrade." She paused, lightly smirking at me. "I especially want to know about this certain surprise you have in store. "

I let out a small chuckle, the only one that Roza can bring out of me.

"I hope you'll like it when you find out what it is." Cause let's face it. It took me a very long argument to get it approved.

"I'm sure I will, Comrade." Rose responds.

"You all ready to go, Mrs. Hathaway? "

I looked over at the doctor and smiled.


Rose POV

Dimitri finally gets me to the car and I gave him a smile as he buckled my belt for me. "You do realize I could have done that, right ?"

"I know, Roza."

I smiled and leaned the seat back, shutting my eyes.


The car came to a stop and I looked around. I blinked a bit and bit my lower lip. My head was throbbing. I looked over and grinned as Dimitri shut the engine off, getting out of the car as he helped me inside the academy.

When we got in, a lot of people were staring at me like they've seen a ghost, and yes, maybe I was one. Being away for a month in the after life was just awesome! Not. I leaned into Dimitri's strong arms and I had thought we'd be going to the student wing, but he steered me towards the guest wing and I finally managed to look up at him.

"Comrade, why are we in the guest wing?" I swear I could see a smirk on his lips. What was he up too?

"Be patient, Roza."

I sighed and we finally stop in front of a door that said the 'The Belikov's.' I arched an eyebrow at him and he opened the door, allowing me inside.

He placed me in the bed and I watched him critically. Wondering what he was about to do, but all he had said was that he'd be back. He probably was going to get the bags.

A few seconds later, he came back and had my few belongings in his hands. He placed them agasint the wall, but I sensed something else. Something big!

Finally, Dimitri came to my side and got down on one knee. "Rosemaire Hathaway, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

At the sight of him on his knee and hearing his words, I felt tears come to my eyes. I nodded and choked out, "Yes!" I sobbed and said, "Yes, yes I will!"

Finally after we were in an embrace, Lissa, Christian, Eddie, and my Mother came inside of my room. I gasped in surprise to see my Mother, and I instantly cried once more.

I looked back into Dimitri's brown eyes. "You're amazing." I whispered.

"I love you, Roza." Dimitri said and we ended up kissing one another.

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now