Chapter 2

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Eddie POV

I sighed, mentally frustrated as Harley had bitched me out. Don't get me wrong, I love  my job , but, damn she was annoying. She's hit a sore spot and she knows it. I guess she's done her research. I ran a hand through my hair as I glared at her. God, I really would love to punch her, but, I can't because she might tell her father about it and there goes my career. I could only hope that Lissa reassigned  me fast, I don't know how much longer I can keep my cool with her constantly jabbering at me.

"Are you even listening?" Harley spat at me as she stalked over to me.

I hadn't been listening but I wasn't going to admit it to her. "Um, what?" I said, raising an eyebrow at her.

She sat on her bed, grumbling about how I was a horrible guardian and that I shouldn't had been given to her. I rolled my eyes and tried to contain my anger. "You never ever fucking listen, Castile! God , I hope you get fired one day, or have your charge get killed so you can feel guilty about it."

I immediately bit my lip at her words , trying to contain the anger I felt as I walked over to the door, needing to get out before I smacked her.

"Where are you going you crappy Guardian?" She sneers at me as I felt my fists clench.  God, I so badly wanted to punch her.

"To talk to Lissa, anything else you want to know?" I snapped at her.

She growled at me and said, "Watch your tone."

"Really?" I said in a sarcastic tone. "Are you really ordering  me around? I am the one who is guarding you, you crazy bitch. I could leave you stranded somewhere and you'd be left unprotected, so I'd watch what you say to me before you start bossing me around." With that I left with a frustrated sigh.

Harley's POV

I looked after Eddie as he left the room. God, he was such a terrible guardian. Can't believe he actually threatened to fucking leave me unprotected, how dare he! I shook my head and punched the wall, making a dent in it. I punched the dresser, making it wobble as I kicked it out of anger. I finally just pushed it over, it landed on the ground with a big thud as I let out a cry running over to the lamp, grabbing it and throwing it across the room. It sattered into tiny pieces on the floor, which was already  hazardous enough. I threw the covers off almost tripping over them in the process as I I punched another wall. I quickly gathered my stuff heading out to the front gates. I was leaving this place with, or without a guardian. Fuck this place, they ain't good for a royal like me anyways! I stomped out of the gates with my bag slung over my shoulders, the night air flew around my reddish brown hair as I walked. As I did, I heard a twig crack. I quickly turned around, wondering what it was. Nothing was there though. Weird as he'll in my opinion. I turned back around as a Strigoi stood in front of me and before I could blink twisted my neck and I was gone before I could even scream.

Dimitri's POV

I sighed as I had stayed in my room for the past week. I was supposed to be organizing Roza's funeral but everytime I tried I broke down. I couldn't do that. I couldn't. It was just too much as I dragged a hand across my face, sighing as I pushed back from my desk I sat at. Biting my lip I got up grabbing my duster as I went out of my room. I needed to get away. There was so much memories here at court to the point where it was all just suffocating me and I couldn't break free. I crossed my arms over my chest as I walked. It was offically night time for the Moroi, but, I just couldn't seem to shake the feeling that Lissa was in a much worser position than I was. Sure, I was her lover, but, Princess Vasilisa, excuse me queen Vasilisa was very close to Rose and some part of  me was telling me to check on her. I stopped outside her door, swallowing as I gently knocked on it. "Your Majesty? It's guardian Belikov. May I come in?"

I heard sniffles and then sobs as she didn't answer. I swallowed down the feeling of regret as I backed away, deciding to leave her be for the time being. I knew she needed to be left alone ,so, that's what I was doing. As I turned around I stopped just shy of Guardian Tanner and his finance  Sonya.

"Guardian Belikov. " he said.

"Yes Guardian Tanner ?"

"Hans would like to speak to you as soon as possible."

I nodded and sighed. "Alright. Thank you for telling  me , excuse me." I said as I walked out of their way.

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