Chapter 5

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My Last Request

Chapter 5

Lissa's POV

The dream was set in a garden, flowers that smelled good and very taken care of. My eyes adjusted to the abrupt changes and I automatically called out, thinking it was Adrain. "Adrain , stop playing games! Where are you?"

A shadow went over the sky, making me look up as the clouds turned grey. I frowned, puzzled as I took my gaze from the now grey sky and about my new surroundings. "Who is there?" I called again, taking a step forward.

"Ah, Lissa!" It was Mrs. Karp.

I blinked, slightly confused as I saw my former teacher standing there. "Mrs. Karp, why have you drug me into a Spirit Dream for?"

She quickly shook her head, latching her hands on my wrists. "You need to listen to me, Lissa. " Mrs. Karp's voice was urgent, frantic even. "Something bad is bound to happen. Something big and you will not see it happening when it does. Be on your toes." She said urgently, tightening her grip. I winced and met her blue eyes.

"Mrs. Karp, what are you talking about?"

"I can't say anything anymore, just know that you need to be prepared. You hear me?"

I nodded and looked around the surroundings as it began to flick and come in and out rapidly, everything moving like a ripple in a tide wave. "Why is it doing that?" I asked her.

"Someone's waking you." She said. "Don't forget! Be on your toes for anything." The dream ended and I was staring into Adrian's emerald green eyes.

Adrian POV

I shook Lissa awake and said," You alright?"

Sweat poured down her face as she breathed in as she she sat up in the bed, her expression complex. "I-I just had a Spirit Dream, Adrian." She said shakily.

"Wait, your saying someone else pulled you into a spirit dream other then me?" I asked her, feeling slightly confused and thrilled as I had found another Spirit User.

Lissa nodded. "Yes. An old teacher of Rose and I. Long story short, she had turned Strigoi, and we rescued her. Anyways, she had told me that something bad was going to happen, but, that she didn't know when it would."

"It could have been a bluff, Lissa" ai said automatically.

"No, she wasn't bluffing. She was very, very frantic. I don't know what's going to happen, but, something is going too shortly and we have to be ready Adrian."

I nodded and ran a hand through my hair. "Okay, so what's the plan?"

"I have no clue. All I know is that we have to help Dimitri with the funeral. It's just too much on him, Adrian. We have to lift some of the pressure off of him so he can grieve properly." Lissa's voice sounded strong, no emotion, expect that she wanted to help Dimitri was in it.

I nodded and said, "I am all for helping him Lissa, but, don't forget. You need to grieve too." My voice was soft and concerned about Lissa. That she may be headed into the wrong way of grieving. Rose wouldn't want that for her, and she probably would haunt my ass if I'd let her stay stuck in it.

She nodded. "And I will. After we put Rose to rest."

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now