Chapter 18

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Lissa's POV

I was back at the Royal Moroi Court, looking down at the guardian reports for the next handful of graduating Novices from St. Vladimir's. It was a long, exhausting list, but one that I was fully interested in. At least I felt better than what I have been these past few weeks.

Knowing that Rose was back in my life mean't so much to me. There were moments in the past where I literally didn't want to do anything, but I guess things were mean't to be like they were, which is having Rose back in my life. My guardian. My other half.

As I was in my thoughts about life and of Rose being back, I hadn't noticed Christian standing in the door way.

A small smile crept up my lips as I put the penicl down on the desk. "Hey, Christian. "

He gave me a light smile as he shut my door, walking over to me as he rested his palms lightly on the desk before him. "I've missed seeing that smile."

"Oh really now?" I asked with a raised brow.

"Yes, I have." Christian slid over to me and sat in my lap, kissing my forehead lightly with his soft lips.

I closed my eyes, letting my hands roam up to his waist. "Well, I'm glad."

He let out a chuckle as he said, "c'mon. Take a break from Queen duties and come with me. I have a surprise."

He quickly got up, pulling me out of my chair as he quickly got me shoes and coat, thrusting them to my arms. "You can put them on in the car."

I chuckled and said,"Someone's bossy." But I couldn't resist a little thrill run through me as I wondered what he had in store.


As I sat in the car, I twiddled my fingers lightly in my lap as Ellie Goulding Army came on. It brought a tiny smile to my lips because that was Rose and I's song.

As Christian pulled into a parking space, I blinked, wondering why everything was in pitch black.

"Christian where are we?" I unbuckled as Christian quickly got out of the car, zooming in front of the hood to open my door for me.

I smiled and took his offered hand. "Seriously Christian, where are we?"

"Just relax, spirit cracker. You'll see in a moment. "

I let out a sigh, but I wasn't irritated, I was curious, and very much so excited. I wanted to know what Christian had in store for me.

Finally we reached a tiny walk way, but everything was still pitch black. Why was everything pitch black for? I wondered as Christian lead me through and he flipped on the lights, showing me a spa.

I blinked a few times and turned my head to every inch of the place. It was gorgoues. Plus the fact that I was queen here and I hadn't known this was here was remarkably incredible.

"What do you think, Lissa?" Christian asked me.

I beamed up at him as I hugged him. "I love it!"

"I'm glad that you do, Lissa." He said with a light chuckle.

"I've paid top notch because I heard it was someone's birthday. Happy 18th birthday, Lissa." Christian said with a huge grin making me giddy and soon my lips was on his, kissing him passionately as I let my hands snake up into his dark hair.

After a few seconds I pulled away, breathlessly. "This really is the best birthday gift ever. Even so Rose has returned to me."

"Ya mean all of us, Lissa?" Christian said with a grin.

"Duh!" I said as I looked away from him taking the spa in before me. "Oh, Christian! Let's go get a massage!"

I smiled happily as I pulled Christian towards the lady that was there as Christian smirked.


N/A: So, I'm really sorry for how lazy I've been with this, but hey!! I updated!



Let me know what ya think, Angels!!

Yes, I just called you guys my angels :)


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