Chapter 3

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Dimitri POV

I ran a hand through my hair as my heart sped. Why would the head Guardian need to see me for? I chewed my bottom lip as I stood in front of his office. I continued to chew as I knocked, awaiting his answer. Finally he answered as I went iniside. "Guardian Tanner said you needed to see me?"

"Ah, yes. Yes I did. Please sit Guardian Belikov." His deep voice filled the room as I took the first chair on the right as I watched him make his way to his desk; where there were tons and tons of paperwork to be done. I blinked and waited a few seconds until I spoke again.

"What's going on, Sir?"

"Guardian Hathaway has alerted me that you and Mrs. Hathaway- your former student- had a relationship of some sorts. How is that possible?"

I snorted, sitting up as I watched him. "Pretty easy actually. " my voice filled with anger and sarcasticness. I wasn't sure why it protrayed those emotions but it did.

"Dimitri, isn't it?" He asked.

I nodded and cleared my throat. My brown hair was tied into a ponytail as I watched him.

"I have a job, so do you. You could not, should not be fiddling around with a 17 year old , and one, I should add, that constantly flirts with everything that comes her way. "

I felt my fists curl up as I tried to contain the emotions withering inside of me. "Are you here to lecture me about her and I's relationship?"

"No. I want to know why she hasn't been seen by any guardians in the past five months."

I swallowed and averted my eyes. "And that's your concern how...?"

"She's one of the most ferocious soon to be guardians there is and I want to know why she hasn't been seen by anyone, including you. Guardian Belikov ."

"I can't say anything because I don't know any thing about her absence because I have absoutely no contact with her." I replied stiffly.

He purses his lips and said, "fine. Your free to go. Just to let you know, I'll be checking in every so often."I got up, and went out with a sigh.


I know it's short, but, I have started school and anyways my brain is fried, lol! I hope you have enjoyed this. Let me know your thoughts on Dimitri and how he's coping with the loss?? Yeah, thanks again!

Destined To Be (* Shattered Wishes 2nd Book.) -CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now