Chapter 8

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Dimitri POV

I walked with the guardian who was no doubt, summoned to bring me to the Queen's room. Why she had wanted me, well, I had no clue why. I looked over at the Guardian who nodded me to go inside once we got to her room. I bit my bottom lip, going inside. Once inside I saw Lissa sitting on the plush bed as she scratched her cat's ear. I think Rose had mentioned his name once to me but I couldn't remember it correctly now. 

"Princess.. Is everything okay?"  I shut the door behind me as I watched her look up upon my arrival. 

"We should probably talk, Dimitri." Her tone is serious, no playing around. 

I cleared my throat.

" Yes, I agree, Your Majesty." 

I walked over to the purple plush chair and sat in it as I looked her up and down. Her crown was sat on her nightstand; as were a few pictures of her and Rose. God, I hope she was alright, Lissa I mean. I swallowed the lump that started to form but then Lissa's gentle, but very, very firm voice cut through any other emotion that would try to break through. 

The cat had gotten up and went to the window sill and I couldn't blame the poor thing for it either. I would have wanted to run from me too. I brushed my hair back behind my ear as I listened to Lissa.  " What you did was a bit extreme, but, it wasn't uncommon, Dimitri." She paused, lost in thought. " Even though, I know you're hurting considerably, and aren't entirely in control of your emotions as of the moment. But. You did attack a Moroi. A royal Moroi, you know the penalty for that. " 

Oh god... Was Lissa going to rebuke my Guardian title? 

"So, what are you going to do, Your Majesty?" 

" You're going to be on a probation of sorts. You will still be guarding me but when you're not, you will have two guards with you until I deem fit that you have learnt your lesson. " 

I nodded and felt my breathing go naturally. Oh, not as bad as I thought it was going to be.  

" So, am I free to go?" I asked her as I took her conditions fairly well. I didn't have a right to attack Adrian and I felt like I was some trapped animal in which I needed to be let out of it's cage. 

"Yes, oh, be back  in three hours. I am going to go shopping later with Camellia." She paused. " For Rose's funeral."  Her voice turned sad. 

I nodded and walked out with a heavy heart. 

Lissa POV

After Dimitri left I packed my things and went to the infirmy where Adrian was staying. It was really a dick move on his part that he was in here, but, well, he did say things about Rose. So, I guess he kind of did deserve them in a way. I shook my head before checking in with the clerk at the front, then she gave me Adrian's room number while  I headed up to his room. 

" Hey, Adrian. It's Lissa, may I come in?" 

" It's open!" I heard a slurred voice say from inside. 

I went in and saw Adrian... Whoa, he didn't look good at all. 

"Adrian, how are you?" I asked as I tried to contain my shock at how he appeared. He looked like pure hell. His face was in a brace because Dimitri had broken his nose and he had a black eye.  His sea green eyes lost all of their shine and now they just seemed to be ingraved in a world of pain. 

"I'm good, I guess." He replied flatly as he moved the bed  up so he could look at me. 

 " You really should have kept your mouth shut on that one, Adrian." I scolded. 

"I don't really think it's time for your obvious statements, Lissa." Adrian said harshly, or, well, as harshly as he could say. 

I shook my head, containing a laugh. " Me? Stating the obvious, oh please. You're the one who said things about Rose being naked in a coffin to her lover. Not me." I paused and then kept going." You kind of deserved what you had gotten to be brutally honest. You're were very, very out of line. Whether you knew that or not." 

Adrian had given a big dragged out sigh as watched me. " Lissa, I understand that you may think that, but, all I was trying to do was just lighten the mood. If you hadn't noticed, it was very, very tense and when things are tense, they go very, very wrong." 

" So you just had to say, 'Oh, let's put Rose in her birthday suit because that  sounded so much better!'  Yeah, I think that may be a hard limit to some folks." I said in a firm tone. 

He cleared his throat not speaking right off.

" Adrian, I think you should be a bit more careful in what you say and do." 

" Will you heal me or what?" Adrian asked abruptly, and without any warning.

"Heal you?" I asked, giving a harsh laugh and a hard shake of my head. " Why in the heck would I do that for?" 

" I can't have this crap on me when I make my Eulogy. Please, Lissa, please heal me." His tone was begging, and very, very desperate. 

"No Adrian. I think you need to have the experince of 'healing' on your own for the way you acted towards all of us. " I got up and went to the door. " Funeral will be in a bout a week, or so Dimitri says anyways." 

" Lissa!" Adrian called out to me but I went over to the door, walking away to get ready for my shopping trip with Camellia. 

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